Get Rid Of Tartar The Natural Way

Did you know that there are some foods that can help you remove tartar from your teeth? Tips & Warnings Raw fruits and vegetables are key.
Get rid of tartar in the natural way

Millions of people have tartar. It’s true, you are not the only one who suffers from the accumulation of food debris on your teeth. Get rid of tartar the natural way here.

The yellowish plaque first appears close to your gums and then moves downward toward the rest of the tooth. It then becomes difficult to remove with your daily routine of brushing teeth.

In this article we will tell you  how to get rid of the annoying tartar in a natural way  – and get a beautiful white smile!

Get rid of tartar

When we eat large amounts of sugar, fat or processed foods, we increase our chances of tartar accumulating. Adding poor oral hygiene and habits such as smoking and drinking coffee or alcohol to the mixture will definitely make the problem worse!

It is not just an aesthetic problem; it also has health implications:  Large amounts of tartar cause inflammation of the gums, which can lead to bleeding from the gums and loss of teeth.

But the good news is that there are simple and natural ways to get rid of tartar.

Get rid of tartar, the most effective ways are:

Baking soda and oxygenated water

Bowl with baking soda

Among the options that should be a primary part of any good oral hygiene are baking soda and oxygenated water.

The former whitens the teeth naturally, while the latter helps remove harmful bacteria. Together, they have the perfect properties to help  remove tartar and prevent teeth from turning yellow.


  • 1 teaspoon oxygenated water (5 ml)
  • 1 small tablespoon of baking soda (10 grams)

Procedure e

  • Put baking soda in a suitable container, then add oxygenated water.
  • Mix it thoroughly into a paste.
  • Apply a small amount of paste on your toothbrush and apply it as if it were regular toothpaste, using circular motions and focusing on the upper areas close to the gums.
  • Repeat this  at least twice a week.

Get rid of tartar with apples

Red apples

Getting rid of tartar that accumulates on the teeth can be as simple as eating a raw apple every day! Whenever possible,  try to make sure it is red and not peeled, as green apples can contain a lot of acid.

So after every meal you should choose a delicious and healthy apple as your dessert!

Other options include strawberries and melons. Both fruits can  remove the accumulation of tartar, cleanse your gums and help you prevent your gums from bleeding.

Get rid of tartar with lemon juice

Before you learn how to make this homemade remedy, it is important to keep in mind  that using this method in excessive amounts can have conflicting effects.  This is because the acid in  lemon juice can make marks on your teeth if not diluted.


  • 2 small tablespoons lemon juice (20 ml)
  • 2 small tablespoons of warm water (20 ml)

Procedure e

  • Lemon juice and warm water come in a glass or cup and mix thoroughly.
  • Rinse your mouth with the liquid for  1 minute.
  • Do not drink it  and make sure you do not keep the mixture in your mouth for longer than recommended.
  • When you are done, rinse your mouth with clean water.
  • This treatment may sting a little if you have some sores in your mouth.

Orange peel

Orange bark

The vitamins C that are found in citrus fruits are not only found in their meat and juices – there are also large amounts of it in their shells. This is why it is worth taking advantage of the natural properties of orange peel as often as possible.

Peel an orange and after eating the fruit,  rub the inside of the orange peel on your teeth,  with extra focus on the areas close to your gums.

Then do not forget to  rinse your mouth with warm water  to make sure the acid does not cause damage.

Sesame seeds

If you want a mouth free of tartar, make sure you eat foods that act as natural peels. One of these is sesame seeds. Just chew on a handful for a while and then throw them out.

Then you brush your teeth in the usual way – it is easy to get a “polished” effect thanks to sesame seeds!

Tips to reduce the accumulation of tartar

Once you have managed to get rid of most of the tartar that is stuck to your teeth, you definitely do not want it to reappear.

So how can you prevent the accumulation to begin with? Just follow the following simple tips:

get rid of tartar by avoiding certain foods

Sugar is widely known as the greatest enemy when it comes to all forms of oral hygiene. Eating sugar not only increases the risk of developing cavities in the teeth, but it also leads to greater accumulation of tartar.

However, it is not the only sin that exists: flour can be just as destructive. The starch that it contains mixes with saliva and  forms a powerful acid that stains the enamel on your teeth.

They then begin to damage the teeth, leaving them more vulnerable to attack by harmful bacteria. This is why you should  avoid cakes and other foods that contain refined flour and sugar as much as possible.

Eat foods and beverages rich in calcium

Foods with calcium

Dairy products such as yogurt and cheese, almonds and spinach are the primary sources of this nutrient. Ingesting them daily will improve your oral hygiene and  make your teeth better able to fight the accumulation of plaque.

Eat raw foods

As well as apples and strawberries, there are a number of vegetables that can help improve the health of your teeth, including carrots and celery.

Eating them raw helps  stimulate the production of saliva and protects the teeth from harmful bacteria.

Brush your teeth with caution

Woman brushing teeth

Poor oral hygiene plays a major role in the formation of tartar. You should make sure you brush your teeth at least twice a day  (after you get up and before you go to bed).

It is just as important to  floss  to help get rid of food debris that your toothbrush cannot reach. Using mouthwash can also be a great help for this.

Drink plenty of water

Fluid can help get rid of the food debris that is  around and between your teeth and close to your gums. It is recommended that you drink a glass of water after each meal to help with this.

This is great if you are at work and do not have a toothbrush on you.

get rid of tartar, try our tips!

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