Friendships Between Women: A Sensational Way To Fight Stress

Friendships are extremely healthy and beneficial for everyone. It can even help women fight stress!
Friendships between women: A sensational way to fight stress

Friendships between women: A sensational way to fight stress. We could give you thousands of arguments as to why a friendship is beneficial, healthy and necessary for people. But even this will be insufficient.

However, there are many studies and studies in social psychology and health that show us something more special and interesting about this phenomenon.

Friendship between women has a far more intense and positive effect than friendship between men, so much so that the feeling of connection and established mutual understanding is a sufficient way to reduce stress and anxiety.

Nevertheless, it is important to make something clear: the positive effects on our health and well-being are not caused by having many “friends”, but instead by having authentic and meaningful friendships that you can count on one hand.

In today’s article we want to talk about this.

In a world of emptiness, it is what counts as positive relationships

Leaf that has a heart in the middle

In today’s world we are all more connected than ever, yet more distant than ever.

We have dozens of friends on our social media. In addition, we communicate via instant messaging systems. We use emoticons to represent the emotions that we do not express so easily later in reality.

We create Whatsapp groups, say good morning and good night through these types of platforms. But the more interaction we have, the greater the emptiness we feel in the form of we “miss something” as we experience.

A satisfying personal life may be lacking where special people surround us. It is people who make us happy face to face who make us feel safe with their presence. These are special people who can offer us friendship and mutual understanding in exchange for nothing.

In fact, it is a sensational way to combat this well-known existential emptiness to create good social relationships where

Women respond to stress differently

How do you respond to stress?

To understand how and in what way both men and women deal with stress, we must dive into the ever fascinating world of neuropsychology.

  • When a woman experiences anxiety and stress for a long time, it is a true “cocktail” of neurotransmitters in her bloodstream. Cortisol and epinephrine make up this cocktail.
  • This raises her blood pressure and blood sugar.
  • For women, there is a hormone that simultaneously acts as a neurotransmitter. This is the key to reducing the impact of the above scenario. This is oxytocin.

Oxytocin, in addition to counteracting the production of cortisol and epinephrine, calms women, reduces their fears and gives them a comfortable sense of security.

Stress affects men in a more complex way.

  • To begin with, there is one aspect that is interesting in itself: men produce fewer amounts of oxytocin.
  • Because they do not benefit as much from the presence of oxytocin as much as women, they experience the fight or flight response more deeply.
  • On average, they engage more with emotional restraint. For example, they do not open up so easily to talk about the intimate and personal universe that is their emotions.

All this makes stress a deeper and chronic aspect for men.

Friendship, a major supplier of oxytocin

Girlfriends together - friendships between women

Women have a biological need to “connect” with others, to build relationships based on empathy and recognition.

All this is undoubtedly explained by the high presence of oxytocin in the female brain. This is a hormone that aims to promote care and attention for others.

  • So when life becomes a roller coaster, when stress and fear strike, women seek friendships with other women to regulate this fear and to achieve the comforting mutual understanding that helps soothe the fear and the related issues.
  • Furthermore, it should be noted that friendships are a dimension that give women different and at the same time complementary aspects of a romantic relationship or a relationship with a relative.
  • If you have a solid and meaningful friendship, you know that you will be able to say your thoughts and feelings to them without being judged as you can when you open up to a family member.
  • You also know that your friends are not obligated to solve your problems. That is not their function and they are not trying to do it either. What you need is to feel heard and understood.

In conclusion, a positive, solid and respectful circle of friends is the key to a healthy and fulfilling life for all of us.

But for women, this emotional bond is more intense and more necessary.

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