All About Hypnotics Or Sleeping Pills

Do you find it difficult to fall asleep? Have you ever used sleeping pills? Find out all about them here.
Everything about hypnotics or sleeping pills

Nowadays, due to the lifestyle that people lead in developed countries,  many have trouble falling asleep and need hypnotics or sleeping pills.

These remedies, also known as hypnotic medications, are in high demand these days. However, one must be careful not to overconsume them as they can have negative consequences for one’s health. In this article, we will look at the different sleep disorders that are available as well as the different sleeping pills one can find in the market.

What is insomnia?

Sleepless woman in bed

This very common disorder in developed countries is a sleep disorder  characterized by a patient’s inability to fall asleep or remain asleep to get enough good quality sleep  to restore their energy and normal waking state.

The result of several studies of this disorder suggests that its cause is another underlying disease rather than the insomnia itself. This is important as it points the treatment in the direction of the disease that triggers this problem with sleep.

In addition, insomnia can be classified according to its duration and nature:

  • Temporary:  If it lasts less than seven days, as it can happen to some women in the period before menstruation.
  • Acute. This type lasts between one and three weeks.
  • Chronic. Individuals who experience insomnia for more than three weeks.

If one focuses on its nature, insomnia can be classified as:

  • Problems falling asleep – if the patient has difficulty falling asleep.
  • Problems staying asleep –  if the patient wakes up again.
  • Waking up early in the morning.
  • General.

Hypnotics or sleeping pills and an improved quality of sleep

These drugs are psychoactive psychotropic substances that promote sleep  by causing drowsiness. There are six types of treatment for insomnia. Health professionals will start with the first and move on to the next if the first is not effective.

Type 1: Natural substances

Individuals often use natural substances to combat this problem. More specifically, the most popular are valerian, linden, passion flower and opioids. Other people choose other forms of treatment, such as homeopathy and “natural” products.

Type 2 sleeping pills: Non-benzodiazepine sleeping aids

Woman in bed can not sleep

These types of hypnotics are selective GABA receptor agonists. GABA is the most powerful inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. For example, zolpidem, zopiclone and eszopiclone.

These drugs have been proven to give good results due to their effectiveness and tolerance. Because of this, they are the first choice for sleeping pills, especially in the treatment of acute insomnia. However, they are not as effective for chronic insomnia.

Type 3: Benzodiazepines

Benzodiazepines are other commonly used sleeping pills to treat insomnia. Unlike the above, they are not selective for GABA complex.

They have replaced other drugs (barbiturates) as the first choice of hypnotics. Despite being very effective, they alter the natural sleep structure, by  altering REM sleep and causing significant side effects.

In addition, these drugs also cause tolerance and dependence. Thus, their use should be monitored and patients should be well informed.

Type 4: Antidepressants with sleep-promoting effects

For some time,  people have been using some antidepressants, such as the ones we will mention below, as sleeping pills.

  • Mirtazapine
  • Trazodone
  • Amitriptyline

As with benzodiazepines, these drugs also interfere with REM sleep. However, they do so with a different mechanism of action. These drugs cause a sleep-inducing effect due to their anticholinergic effect, as well as by improving aminergic neurotransmission.

Type 5: Antipsychotics to treat insomnia

Woman with sleeping pills on bedside table

When all the above drugs do not give the desired effect,  the use of antipsychotics and neuroleptics can be effective.

Some of the most commonly used for this condition are:

  • Haloperidol
  • Quetiapine
  • Clozapine

They are commonly used in elderly patients, people with delirium, patients with mannerisms, patients suffering from insomnia and those who are psychotic.

Finally, we should mention that the last type of treatment, the 6th type, is composed of various drugs, such as antihistamines, melatonin and gabapentin, which are usually used for mild insomnia, just like the type produced by a jet lag when traveling to countries with a different time zone.

Conclusion on the use of sleeping pills

Nowadays, there are a wide variety of hypnotics or sleeping pills that help fight insomnia. Talk to your doctor about the most appropriate medicine for your case and always follow your doctor’s recommendations.

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