Emotional Pain: Recognize And Nurture These 7 Types

There are many types of emotional pain that can go away if we begin to take our inner world into account more and spend more time managing it.
Emotional pain: Recognize and nurture these 7 types

Emotions have great power in our body. In fact, if we do not express them at the right time, they turn into emotional pain, which can become  chronic.

The most common forms of chronic pain affect areas such as:

  • Throat
  • The spine
  • The head

We also suffer from  bruxism   (cutting teeth) and stomach ulcers or other stomach problems.

There are various  studies  that support the relationship between emotional pain and physical health. There  is found  a   relationship between chronic pain and stress or trauma that is not overcome.

It is therefore important to understand our inner world in order to be able to   meet these feelings and not just cover them up with medicine.

You need to know what emotional issues are causing your physical pain.

You can achieve this by connecting with your true identity and essence.

7 types of emotional pain

1. Toothache

This happens when you do not feel comfortable in a situation   or you cannot find a way out of a hectic situation. You feel pressure and strain, and your emotional state can feel this pain.

  • Let the  energy  flow and not fight the pain. Everything should probably go and everything turn into the best.

See also: 4 Homemade remedies for cutting teeth

2. Headache, one of the most common types of emotional pain


Headaches can occur due to stress, but also due to emotions that have not been expressed.

  • You need to take the time to clear your head and let everything pass. Rest for a while or go for a walk are the best advice.

3. Pain in the neck is also a kind of emotional pain

Neck pain occurs when we   hold on to anger, anger… That’s why it feels stiff.

  • It is important to forgive both yourself and others.

Neck pain can also occur when you have communication problems or you are struggling to get people to listen to you. This is closely linked to fear and lack of forgiveness and acceptance towards yourself.

4. Shoulder pain

shoulder pain

Emotional pain, which manifests itself in your shoulders, can feel like a heavy load. Like a backpack you carry around with you, loaded with your own problems and those of others.

Remember that you cannot carry the whole world on your shoulders. Allow others to be responsible for their own problems.

It is important to think about yourself, it is the only way to minimize this load.

5. Abdominal pain

This happens when you are in an uncomfortable situation and you are not able to digest what is happening in your life.

Unexpected situations may arise where you are not willing to submit because you do not accept the changes.

  • It is important to accept others   and admit that there are different ways of looking at life.
  • This way you can open up, be more tolerant and definitely be happier.

6. Low back pain


Low back pain can occur if you experience financial problems that give you a lot of stress.

It can also occur if you feel responsible for the well-being of other people who depend on you.

  • Another reason why this can happen is if you feel alone and that you can not delegate your responsibilities to others, thus making you feel more stressed.
  • It is important to learn to delegate responsibilities  to avoid taking on everything and living free from bondage.

7. Pain in the hands

The hands are the way we connect with the world around and outside of us.

If we often suffer from pain in the hands, it may represent   something you want, but you are fighting a hard battle to achieve.

  • You feel that you cannot reach your goal yourself, or you feel bound to a person or situation that you cannot get rid of.
  • It is important to release and let go.

We recommend that you read: 7 smoothies that fight arthritis.

Recommended reading to cure emotional pain

1. Louise Hay


In her book ‘You Can Heal Your Life’, Louise Hay talks about how poorly controlled emotions turn into illnesses, and some can be very serious.

If you listen to your body and learn to understand its signals, you can find inner peace with yourself. This prevents your body from turning emotional pain into physical pain.

Then you will be able to forgive, love and be grateful… Thus all these negative emotions that paralyze you and make you sick will disappear.

2. Enric Corbera

In his books, lectures and  Youtube  videos, he claims that the key to healing yourself is to   find the hidden emotion that generates the conflict  and triggers the disease.

This author assures you that as soon as we become aware of and realize what this feeling is, healing happens.

He also explains that it is important to change the irrational, limiting beliefs that cause separation between the  brain  and the heart: what I think, what I feel, what I do.

These kinds of materials can be of great help in opening your mind and heart to new concepts.

Remember how important it is to be healthy and happy.

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