Love Your Own Company And Learn To Be Alone

Being alone is not necessarily the same as being lonely. It is healthy to be alone and to feel good in one’s own company.
Love your own company and learn to be alone

When you think of the word alone and all that it entails, it might make you a little uncomfortable. The fear of being lonely and being abandoned is a strong driving force in many people’s lives. Read this article and learn to be alone.

It’s a shame now that the world is so full of people!

But why does it feel so bad to be alone? Why are so many people afraid of it? We will try to find out in that.

That’s why we’re so scared to be alone

Man is a herd animal. We need to be with others. We need to be part of a group. But our society today also looks especially up to the people who like to surround themselves with many people all the time. Extroversion and a tireless social need are the way to happiness – or is it?

female cat

Being alone once in a while does not mean that you are not socially competent, that you cannot make friends or that you are lonely.

Being alone is not necessarily a problem it can actually be one of the best things you can do for yourself.

It can make you more independent, self-sufficient and can give you a greater insight into what you yourself want to achieve with your life. It can boost your confidence and help you learn new things about yourself.

Learn to be alone. With loneliness, you can become more self-aware.

There is one person who will never leave you: yourself

When a  partner  leaves you, when someone in the family dies, when a friend turns his back on you… all these situations will make you feel alone or abandoned. Disappointment will come on top of the pain and make you believe that you are doomed to be alone forever.


Love is a beautiful thing, but no one will ever get to know you as well as you know yourself. It is important to surround yourself with friends and family who love you. But it is even more important to be able to stand on your own two feet.

If you know who you are and you know you can handle yourself alone, you will not easily become emotionally dependent on others. That way, you can enjoy their company and their love without being afraid of them leaving you.

You are the only person you are guaranteed to always be with for the rest of your life. So take good care of yourself, get to know yourself and find out how you like to live best.

Learn to be alone

Love your own company and learn to be alone

Being alone can be terribly intimidating. It can give you a feeling of insecurity, loneliness and emptiness. Sometimes these feelings are due to the fact that you depend too much on the acceptance and devotion of others. Other times it is because you lack true closeness from others. No matter what the reason, it’s healthy to learn to be alone. True closeness with others comes only when we can relax in our own company. 

Learn to be alone. It can help you see the world from a new perspective and enjoy the company of your fellow human beings with renewed confidence and understanding.

If you find it difficult to be alone, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are you afraid of missing out on social situations? Are you afraid of being shut out in the cold if you do not attend? Ask yourself if you really want to go. If you only do it because you are afraid of losing your friends, they are not real friends anyway.
  • Do you feel genuinely lonely? If you really lack closeness in your life, be sure to meet new people. But also give yourself space to be alone. Accept that being alone is also a good thing.

Do you feel restless when you are alone?

    This could be a sign that you are not in touch with your own needs and feelings. Think long and hard about what you yourself want to do. Do exactly what you want without worrying about what others might think of it.

Enjoying your loneliness does not mean that you have to isolate yourself from the rest of the world. When you find that balance, you will find the true happiness. 


Being alone does not necessarily mean being lonely. Sometimes being alone can help you understand new things about yourself and others.

You can be your own best friend – love your own company and learn to be alone.

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