5 Methods To Reduce Cholesterol In Breakfast

One of the ways to reduce high cholesterol levels is by starting to take reservations from the moment you wake up each morning by making sure your breakfast is nutritious and balanced.
5 methods to reduce cholesterol in breakfast

Maybe you have been to your annual health checkup and the doctor has told you that your blood cholesterol is high and you need to find ways to reduce it through your diet. Fortunately, the good news is that there are many good ways to reduce cholesterol. For example, you can reduce cholesterol in breakfast.

In addition to being one of the most important meals of the day, breakfast is the time when your body is most receptive to the absorption of certain nutrients.

The basic principle of reducing cholesterol is to provide adequate sources of vitamins, minerals and healthy enzymes. So follow these tips that will promote a healthier way to pamper yourself. They are not only simple but also nutritious and delicious.

Methods to reduce cholesterol in breakfast

1. Oatmeal: The perfect grain variety to reduce cholesterol in breakfast

Oatmeal is one of the best ways to reduce cholesterol in breakfast

According to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, oats are one of the best foods for reducing bad cholesterol, also known as low-density lipoprotein (LDL).

Oatmeal contains soluble fiber, which reduces your LDL. (Note that soluble fiber is also found in foods such as red beans, Brussels sprouts, apples and pears.)

Therefore, 5 to 10 grams (or more) of soluble fiber a day reduces your LDL cholesterol. A serving of oatmeal or oat bran provides 3 to 4 grams of fiber. If you add fruit, you get even more fiber.

2. Avocados: One of the amazing methods to reduce cholesterol

Avocado on table

Many people avoid avocado as they believe that it promotes high cholesterol due to their high content of calories and fat.

In reality, however, avocado is a great source of nutrients as well as omega 3 fatty acids that are ideal for maintaining the balance in your cholesterol levels.

So if you are not already doing so, start eating avocado and improve your heart health.

Also read: 6 amazing natural properties avocado has


  • Toast one or two slices of wholemeal bread, and add a few slices of avocado and tomato.
  • Also cut a few pieces of avocado and mix them in a bowl with a banana and a little bit of raw natural honey.

3. Reduce cholesterol with lemon and garlic

The combination of garlic and lemon is a classic means of maintaining good levels of cholesterol

Garlic is extremely beneficial for your health. In addition, it is a natural antibiotic, diuretic, cleansing, antiseptic and antibacterial food. Something as simple as taking a clove of garlic in the morning can help you reduce high cholesterol.

So here is a simple remedy that can be just as useful: Garlic and lemon.


  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 clove garlic, raw
  • 1 glass of water


  • Heat the water a little, then add the lemon juice.
  • Then eat the garlic on an empty stomach and then drink the lemon mixture slowly.
  • Repeat this procedure two or three times a week.

4. Rye toast with olive oil

Bread on the plate

Not all breads are created equal, so it’s important to be selective about the type you eat. Always choose breads that contain more whole grains and less refined flour.

To reduce your cholesterol, avoid white toast at all costs (and any other type of processed bread like that).

If you really want to be good and follow a really healthy diet, eat more rye bread. Of all breads, the type made with rye contains the most fiber and nutrients.

It is a perfect blend of iron and B vitamins that are great for keeping cholesterol levels in check. And for an even healthier breakfast, you can eat it with a little virgin olive oil.

In case you do not already know, extra virgin olive oil has one of the highest nutritional qualities when it comes to oils. In addition, it is rich in unsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid), vitamin E and phytosterols, all of which are cardio-protective compounds.

It is important to eat protein in addition to fiber in your breakfast. So do not hesitate to add a piece of meat or egg to it.

5. Reduce your cholesterol with white tea

White tea has many properties that help keep cholesterol in check

White tea can be purchased at any health food store or tea shop.

This is without a doubt the best natural drink to reduce your high cholesterol. White tea has hypocholesterolemic properties (it lowers the amount of cholesterol in the blood) and contains antioxidants.

These are compounds that inhibit oxidation, a chemical reaction that can produce free radicals, thereby leading to chain reactions that can damage the cells of organisms. Fortunately, white tea can fight against these free radicals.

In addition, this drink has a long tradition in the East as a detoxifier and helps increase your metabolism to promote weight loss.

Also read: Five healthy fats that help lower your cholesterol

Things to keep in mind when you want to reduce cholesterol in breakfast

White tea and the rest of the above ingredients have amazing properties, but none of them are a magic trick and do not balance your cholesterol alone.

In addition, you need to make real changes in your diet and lifestyle in general.

Avoid pretty much everything that is industrially processed. This includes everything that comes from a beautiful, colorful, plastic or cardboard package presented with great graphics designed to make you fall in love with it.

These “foods” also contain lots of trans fats, large amounts of sodium, refined sugars and other artificial sweeteners, especially breakfast cereals.

Something as easy as being sensible about what you eat for breakfast will provide maximum benefits to your health. You will see results, even if they are gradual. Keep in mind, however, that good health always comes as a result of long-term gradual changes.

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