Helpful Tips For Sleeping When It Is Very Hot

To be able to sleep when it is very hot and get well rested, it is crucial that we are adequately hydrated and we avoid heavy evening meals. Learn more in this article!
Helpful tips for sleeping when it is very hot

We love summer days because we can go to the beach, the pool or just lie in the sun to get the best color. But how do we sleep in the heat? It is not easy, so today we come to some tips for sleeping in the summer heat.

The problem starts at night when we want to sleep. It seems impossible!

Do not worry. There are very interesting solutions that help you sleep when it is very hot. We will talk about these in this article.

Summer and sleep: An impossible combination?

One of the good tips for sleeping when it is hot is to drink water.

One of the most frequently asked questions about hot weather is: What can we do to be able to sleep? Sleeping when the temperature is high seems like an impossible mission.

When temperatures are high, it affects our biological rhythm and changes the normal sleep structure.

But it can be done with these helpful tips for sleeping in the summer.

Drink plenty of water to sleep better

Of course, you know very well that you need to drink 2 liters of water a day (and maybe you are trying to do this).

Nevertheless, when it is very hot, you should increase the amount of fluid you drink as the temperatures make you sweat more. Therefore, you get dehydrated faster even if you do not exercise.

If you are hydrated and you are not thirsty, you will probably sleep better. We also recommend that you leave a glass or bottle of water next to your bed on your bedside table if you want to drink it in the early morning hours.

Keep the bedroom cool

It is not necessary to turn the bedroom into a freezer, but at least keep the temperature below 26 degrees.

If you do not have air conditioning, there are creative ways to cool a room. For example, turn on a fan and place a container of ice cubes in front of it.

We also recommend that you do not open the blinds or windows during the day. Only do this in the early morning times.

Eat light evening meals

If you eat light evening meals, it is easier to sleep when it is hot.

It is true that during the summer we eat less and the menu is lighter. We prefer salads and vegetables rather than soups and cooked foods.

But we also need to eat less food if we want to get a good night’s sleep.

Choose fresh fruit, yogurt, ice cream, juices and smoothies before going to bed. They will also help you stay hydrated if you are not a person who drinks a lot of water.

Avoid eating large amounts of food that is very spicy or strong.

It is not a good idea to drink coffee or soda with caffeine that stimulates the body.

Finally , be careful with your alcohol consumption!

Do not exercise in the afternoon

Physical activity is necessary all year round, but during the summer you need to take into account the time you are training. If we run, bike or exercise, it is better to do it in the morning.

You can not exercise in the morning? Then do not wait until the end of the day. It is advisable to exercise at least 3 or 4 hours before going to bed.

There is a belief that exercise helps us sleep, but in reality it stimulates the body.

Because of this we are physically tired but we can not sleep. If you want to go for a walk after dinner, wait a while before going to bed.

Tips for sleeping in the summer: Sleep in the right clothes

Tips for sleeping in the summer: Sleep in the right clothes

Sleeping naked is not a good idea because body temperature drops in the early hours of the morning and the next day we may wake up with a cold or muscle aches.

Instead, choose a lightweight pajamas made of cotton if possible.

Also pay attention to your bedding and pillowcases because in many cases they generate heat or they make us sweat even more. The best choice is always cotton, not satin or silk.

Some people choose to wet the sheets before going to bed, but this is not a good idea. Remember that moisture that dries on your body has the potential to make you sick.

We recommend that you sleep alone or near the sides of the bed if you sleep with a partner. You can also lay an air mattress or something soft on the floor, as the floor is always cooler.

Take lukewarm showers

Some people try to sleep in a bathtub with ice water. This is not advisable for several reasons. For example , we may become ill or be exposed to an accident.

But what we can do is take a lukewarm shower just before we go to bed.

Use lukewarm water instead of cold water so that the body does not mind the temperature difference.

Tips for sleeping warm: Turn off lights and appliances.

Turn off all lights and appliances

This is generally one of the helpful tips for sleeping, not just in the summer. This not only reduces the temperature of the bedroom but also helps us to relax so that we can sleep better. This is a good idea all year round.

Electrical devices must also be set to standby or sleep mode as they continue to radiate heat and use energy.

Use incandescent bulbs for those who use less energy or energy-saving light bulbs to save electricity and take care of the environment.

Apply wet compresses

Shortly before going to bed, you can use a wet washcloth to cool sensitive areas. It can be, for example, the  neck, face and forearm. It will immediately cool you down.

This is due to the fact that the cold triggers a process called vasoconstriction that is associated with temperature.

Some more interesting tips for sleeping in the summer are to rest when it is very hot by taking a short nap in the afternoon and drinking a cold infusion of chamomile, passion flower or lavender to reduce anxiety and stress.

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