Everything You Should Know About Cerebral Palsy

Find out more about cerebral palsy. It is a movement disorder that usually occurs before the age of three.
Everything you should know about cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy is a type of movement disorder caused by a brain injury. This injury limits the person’s activity because it affects the way mobility and posture.

In Spain, for example, it is estimated that one in five babies has cerebral palsy. It is a  common and very disabling disorder. In this article you can learn more about CP and the different types of this disorder.

What should I know about cerebral palsy?

The brain damage that leads to cerebral palsy (CP)  usually occurs during the development of the fetus or before the first years of life. Patients suffering from cerebral palsy also often suffer from emotional or intellectual deficiencies. This condition is therefore often referred to as multiple disability.

What is cerebral palsy?

Cerebral palsy refers to a set of disorders that affect a person’s movement, balance and posture. It usually occurs in the first years of life, since the  damage that causes it often occurs during pregnancy.

Cerebral palsy is usually accompanied by other problems. Tasks such as walking or writing, for example, are complex for those suffering from this disease.

People with CP also often suffer from  additional illnesses and mental disabilities. However, it all depends on the location and size of the brain damage.

Unfortunately , cerebral palsy is a permanent disorder. This is because the brain damage and the associated neurological damage are irreversible. Since most cases occur before the patient reaches the age of three, the symptoms are often visible quite early.

Drawing of cerebral palsy


Cerebral palsy is usually visible in babies because  it can be difficult for them to sit, crawl and even smile. This disease also changes the muscles in different ways all depending on the type of paralysis.

However, the symptoms of this disease are not only related to movement. Cerebral palsy can also cause hearing problems and problems recognizing and interpreting touch (agnosia). It can also cause  lack of coordination, attention deficit disorders and dyskinesia.

Types of cerebral palsy

There are different types of CP with varying symptoms:

  • Spastic paresis:  Individuals who suffer from this type of CP have a lot of trouble controlling their muscles which tend to become weak. It usually affects the arms and legs.
  • Dyskinetic paresis:  This consists of involuntary and slow movements, which get worse with exhaustion and strong emotions. It actually gets improved with rest and sleep. It is typically difficult to understand the speech of a person suffering from this type of CP.
  • Ataxia:  This type affects the cerebellum, which is the part of the brain that controls balance.
  • Mixed cerebral palsy:  This type occurs due to brain damage in several areas, so there is a combination of different symptoms.

On the other hand, cerebral palsy can also be classified based on the affected areas. These classifications are:

  • Hemiplegia  (only in half of the body).
  • Paraplegia.
  • Tetraplegi.
  • Monplegi.

Likewise, the disease can also be classified according to the degree. It can thus be  mild, moderate and serious.


As we have mentioned, this is a permanent disorder. Unfortunately, there is no cure. However, thanks to certain treatments and health care,  people with cerebral palsy can improve their quality of life.

To make this possible,  patients must undergo several different types of therapy, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy.

For the best treatment, there are various health centers. There are day centers, occupational therapy centers and special housing. At these health centers you can get medical care and all the types of therapy mentioned above.

Researchers have identified specific preventable causes of cerebral palsy. For example, it is necessary to  prevent the baby’s head from being hit or injured in any way.  You will need to use safety equipment such as helmets and proper car seats. It is also important to pay extra attention in the house.

Baby sleeps with parent's hand on head

Another related problem may be an incompatible blood type in the mother and fetus. However, your doctor should be able to detect this problem early in pregnancy and provide the necessary treatment to avoid the consequences. Therefore, be sure to get all the necessary checks during pregnancy.

Similarly  , the mother should also be vaccinated against rubella,  which may be associated with cerebral palsy.


Ideally, to avoid this disease,  you should keep your pregnancy as healthy as possible. Any risky action, such as using tobacco or alcohol, can be harmful to the fetus.

It is also necessary to get all the necessary examinations and check during pregnancy. If problems occur later,  you should see a doctor to have the symptoms evaluated properly.

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