Women’s Fight Against Fat Around The Waist

Fat around the waist is not just a visual problem – it can lead to heart disease, respiratory problems and even some cancers.
Women's fight against fat around the waist

Belly fat. Few things are more unattractive, annoying and also… Dangerous. We all know that over the years, more fat accumulates around the waist, and it can be annoying to wear jeans or tight-fitting clothes. But the real problem is not your body image, but rather your health.

You probably already know that in recent years, the number of women being diagnosed with heart disease or Type 2 diabetes has increased. Our lifestyle and eating habits cause more fat around the waist, and in the long run it can lead to serious health problems.

In this article, we will deal with some of these risks and help you set daily goals in order to fight fat around the waist.

According to nutritionists, women tend to develop more fat around the waist after the age of 40. At this point, the body begins to undergo small changes, such as a  lower metabolism that can cause a lower fat burning.

You also produce less estrogen, and over the years, these gradual changes will almost certainly result in weight gain. But the most dangerous excess kilos are those that accumulate around the stomach. Compared with the fat that is most evident under the skin,  so do not forget that there is a kind of “body fat” formed around your internal organs. 

And it matters to your health. Are you ready to hear what the consequences are in the long run?

  • Heart disease
  • Hypertension
  • Type 2 diabetes

You should be aware that fat that accumulates under the diaphragm and chest area will make it harder to breathe, causing a chronic cough. This tires your lungs and causes difficulty breathing, which often also results in sleep apnea.

It is also worth mentioning that a lot of fat around the waist increases the risk of certain types of diseases such as breast or uterine cancer. Fat around the stomach can even change your period. This is a pretty serious problem.

It may sound a bit absurd to ask, as no one but yourself knows when, your waist has gotten too much excess fat. You may have noticed that your body has changed and that it is not only your clothes that feel tighter… you feel more tired. You feel different.

Doctors also warn against another important factor. It is important to measure your waistline and try to avoid exceeding certain parameters. It pays to know what they are:

  • For women, try not to exceed a waist of 89 centimeters.
  • For men, here it is usually 102 centimeters.
A cup of tea

As you probably know, there are times when no matter how hard you try, you can not throw the excess fat around the waist. You might start to doubt, wonder if it’s just inevitable, and something you just have to live with.

But do not give up! do not be discouraged. If you are working hard to lose weight but fail, seek the help of a doctor or dietitian. Here we will show a list of some practical guidelines that may give you a helping hand in your daily life. Learn to use them with courage and upright forehead!

  • Kick the salt and do not use it in cooking.
  • Drink two liters of water every day.
  • Try to eat whole grains. For example, eat buckwheat and oatmeal. Avoid wheat flour and replace it with wholemeal flour. Choose wholemeal bread. Remember that barley is also very healthy!
  • Limit your sugar intake, avoid pastry, and do not buy ready-made dishes or freeze-packed food. Spend time in the kitchen and make varied dishes, fresh salad, steamed vegetables and salmon. Instead of red meat, try turkey or chicken.
  • Drink a glass of warm water with lemon every morning on an empty stomach.
  • After lunch or dinner, try a cup of sage tea. It is the best way to improve your digestion and reduce fat around the waist. So be consistent and drink it 15 days in a row every month, twice a day.
  • Take daily brisk walks for half an hour without exhausting yourself too much, but be consistent. Remember – every day!
  • Stop drinking cow’s milk. The best dairy product you can get is unsweetened Greek yogurt that helps improve your digestion and promotes healthy gut bacteria.
  • Eat “small” meals five times a day and remember not to skip any of the meals. If you try to skip breakfast or dinner because you want to lose weight, then it is certain that the opposite will happen. Your metabolism will slow down and your body will store reserve energy – in the form of fat!

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