Why And How To Lower The Body’s PH Balance

An alkaline pH balance is synonymous with health and therefore you should try to balance your pH balance so that it is not too acidic. That way you can improve your well-being!
Why and how to lower the body's pH balance

Our individual pH balance is much more important than we immediately think. It determines if your body is in a healthy state, which is an alkaline state. Bacteria and microorganisms need an acidic pH to develop, which is why it is so important to avoid this.

Everything we eat and drink affects our pH balance. Some foods make us more acidic while others make us more alkaline. Animal products such as meat and dairy products are generally acidic, while plant-based foods such as fruits and vegetables are alkaline.

But environmental factors also play an important role. Cleaning products such as soaps, cleansers, air fresheners, glass cleaners and other types of cleaners all contain chemicals that are toxic to the body and contribute to an acidic pH balance.

What is pH balance?

virus thrives in acid ph balance

For those wondering what pH consists of, it is worth saying that the letters mean ‘potentially hydrogen’, which is a measurement of the body’s hydrogen ions.

  • The pH levels range from 1 to 14, with 1 being more acidic, 7 being neutral and 14 being the most alkaline.
  • The ideal pH levels range from 7.3 to 7.45, which is slightly alkaline or alkaline.

Due to certain factors such as excessive consumption of processed foods, and environments with high concentrations of chemicals, our body tends to be more acidic.

How to measure pH balance

woman cleanses the skin

You can measure the pH balance of your skin, using strips you can find at a pharmacy.

  • To do this, put the strip in your mouth so that it comes in contact with your saliva for two to three seconds.
  • After that time has elapsed, compare it with the color table indicated on the package to see what the level is.
  • It is recommended to do this early in the morning before eating or drinking, as food and drink can alter the pH balance of saliva.

Another way to measure your pH balance is through urine, and again, this should happen in the morning. The first reading can generally be a little more acidic as the body cleanses the acid while we sleep. So it would be best to use the second urine load of the day.

Therefore, it is important to know your pH balance

older woman's hands

pH readings are important indicators of your health. Some diseases and disorders related to excessive acidity include:

  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Migraine and morning dizziness
  • Cataracts
  • Cancer
  • Osteoporosis and arthritis
  • Stroke
  • allergies

How to change an acidic pH balance

There are many ways to change an acidic pH balance and make it more alkaline. Two of the simplest and most effective daily methods to make your pH balance more alkaline are:

  • Mix the juice of a lemon in a glass of warm water and drink it first thing in the morning.
  • Add 1/2 teaspoon baking soda (2 g) to a glass of water and drink it.

We can also choose one of the following alternatives:

Increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables

  • Eat more plant-based foods. If animal products are ingested, select them only from free-range animals.
  • Include barley, cayenne, chlorella algae and spirulina in your diet.
  • Have a diet plan that is rich in vegetables and nutritious and alkaline fruits. Green juices are a quick and easy way to get all the nutrients out of vegetables.

Avoid sugar and processed or deep-fried foods

  • Sugar, as well as processed and fried foods, increase the acidity of the body. Instead, choose natural sweeteners and other cooking methods.

Drink good quality water

drink water
  • We should avoid commercial products, both for cleaning our homes and our bodies.
  • Use natural cleaning products, such as vinegar and diluted apple cider vinegar.

When it comes to shampoos, shower gels, toothpastes and other personal hygiene products, try to use those that are organic. Commercial products are made with chemicals and are full of toxins that can make the body more acidic.

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