Toxic Shock Syndrome And Tampons: Be Careful!

Toxic shock syndrome is produced by bacteria that typically live in humid environments. It can have fatal consequences if not detected in time.
Toxic shock syndrome and tampons: Be careful!

Toxic shock syndrome is nothing new. But despite attempts to prevent it, it continues to take place in many places around the world.

It is a violent disease. It is caused by toxins produced by the bacterium staphylococcus aureus . Its spread is associated with female hygiene products, such as tampons.

Even though it is not that common, there are still many warnings about it. This is because of its number of cases in recent years, many of which have had dire consequences.

One of the most talked about cases is the American model Lauren Wasser. She lost a leg as a result of this disease, which is caused by the use of tampons.

The 27-year-old model began a legal battle against Kotex Natural Balance due to the infection, which nearly cost her her life.

Although some assure us that less than half of the reported cases have to do exclusively with the use of tampons, there are still strict recommendations against them.

What is Toxic Shock Syndrome? 


Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a violent and sometimes fatal disorder. It is produced by bacteria such as taphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes. Their abnormal growth produces a toxin that is powerful enough to lead to death as a result of blood poisoning.

It can affect anyone, but the first cases identified were women who had used tampons during their period.

It was discovered in the 1980s by microbiologist Philip Tierno and his team. They found that the condition that formed between synthetic material and bacteria was the cause.

Many of these materials are no longer approved for industrial use. However, the disease continues to be a problem as cases of it continue to be reported.

It does not matter that the majority of cases of TSS are also associated with other circumstances, such as some surgical procedures, and not just the use of tampons during menstruation.

Why is the use of tampons associated with Toxic Shock Syndrome?

Woman showing a tampon

To date, no complete link between the use of tampons and toxic shock syndrome has been proven. Although it has been the main reason for several cases in recent decades.

Bacteriologists and experts in infectious diseases state that due to the amount that these products can absorb, as well as their location in the vagina, staphylococcus increases the production of toxins. And these toxins have the perfect conditions to grow in.

This also leads to a greater amount of oxygen to the area, which increases the risk of infections.

That is why it is recommended to use this product by taking strict precautions and always choosing the least amount of absorption.

Under no circumstances should the same tampon be used for more than eight hours.

What are the symptoms of Toxic Shock Syndrome?

The normal symptoms that people mention are a common feeling of discomfort as well as high fever, confusion and dizziness.

As it develops, one’s blood pressure will drop. There will also be changes on the skin, and vomiting and diarrhea may occur regularly.

Due to its sudden and unexpected occurrence, it can lead to serious consequences, such as kidney failure and problems with the liver or heart.

Cases that are not treated quickly can lead to death.

What is the treatment?

Woman admitted

The typical treatment for this disease involves fluids and penicillin, which are able to stop the production of toxins.

Medicines are also used to treat the vital aspects, such as medicines for low blood pressure as well as supportive therapy and the recovery of fluids, among others.

If there is an abscess, the area will be drained to remove pus.

It is necessary to keep patients under medical supervision to keep an eye on their blood pressure, breathing and the activity of their organs.

What reservations can one take?

Woman holding a flower on her belly

Infections from tampons are not common, but no one is protected against them, especially not if not used properly.

  • They should not be used for more than 8 hours. In fact , it is best to change them every 4 to 5 hours.
  • If you have heavy menstruation, then the best solution is a bandage or a menstrual cup .
  • Whenever possible, tampons should only be used in special cases, such as at the beach, during physical activity or when wearing certain clothing.
  • The ideal choice is low absorption because the more liquid they absorb, the greater the risk of disease.
  • Tampons should be stored in a cool, dry place to prevent bacteria from growing.

Toxic shock syndrome is a disease that requires immediate attention. Otherwise , the consequences can be fatal.

It is recommended that you seek medical attention immediately if you discover the above symptoms, especially if you recognize the risk factors.

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