How To Burn 600 Calories At Home

Exercise for 40 minutes three times a week. The other days are break days where your muscles recover and rebuild themselves. However, that does not mean you should not move. Walking, for example, is always a good idea.
How to burn 600 calories at home

Exercise is a good habit that helps control weight, prevent disease and improve our overall quality of life. Although it takes hard work to lose weight seriously, even a little exercise is good and healthy for the body. Experts agree that exercising for 30 minutes a day can make a big difference when it comes to avoiding lifestyle diseases and avoiding gaining more weight. Learn how to  burn 600 calories  of every day at home yourself in this article.

If you do not have the desire or money to sign up for a gym, do not despair. With these exercises you can burn up to 600 calories a day and tone your body without leaving the house and / or spending your money. To get the most out of your exercises, train for 40 minutes three times a week. Are you ready to start?

Start burning calories off

Before your  workout, you can turn on some music that provides energy and inspiration while you exercise. Then warm up the muscles with a few light movements with joints, shoulders, waist, knees, ankles and hips.

Cardiovascular exercise

cycling exercise

Cardiovascular exercises are important for fitness, health and weight loss .  Start with a run, bike ride or brisk walk. You have to do it for as long as you think. Even a little exercise is better than no exercise, but it is clear that it takes a lot more if you want to lose weight. A half-hour run burns between 200 and 400 calories depending on how much you weigh.


Arm bends do not burn as many calories, but in return they are super good for toning your whole body and training the stabilizing muscles. Lie face down with your hands and feet flat on the floor. Gently raise your body off the floor and then return to the starting position. This exercise can be done either the toes or the knees in the floor. Continue with the arm bends until you are so tired that you cannot continue. Take a break and start again. Do this a few times until you can feel it nibbling and burning in your arms.


set aside

Squats train the thighs and buttocks, and are good for tightening up the muscles so that you get to look more firm. Stand up with your hands behind your head. Lower your buttocks as if you were sitting down until you make a 45 ° angle with the floor. Try to keep your back straight. Get up and sit this way until you get so tired that you can not continue. Take a break and start again. Do this a few times until you can feel it nibbling and burning in the thighs and buttocks. If you get sore the next day, you’ve done enough. If you can not feel anything for it, do more exercises next time. Strength exercises such as squats and push-ups burn only half as many calories as running, so if it’s weight loss you focus on, you can do jump squats instead: Here you do not just get up and sit down, but jump up every time you has done a squat.


The last exercise is lunges, which especially train and tone the buttocks. You can make lunges with or without weights.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. If you want to use weights, hold them in your hands with the palms facing the thighs. Then take a big step forward with the right leg while the left leg stays where it is. Bend both knees so that the right knee is bent at an angle so that the thigh is parallel to the floor. Return to starting position and repeat with left leg. Continue until you are tired. Take a break and start again. If you want to burn even more calories with this exercise, then you can make lunges with burbees. Here’s how to do it: When you step forward with your right leg, put your hands on the floor. Jump back with your legs so that you are in a position as if you were going to do an arm bend. Take the right leg forward again and lift your hands off the floor. Now you are in a normal lung again. Pull the right leg back to the starting potion. Continue with the left side.

Additional instructions…

  • You may want to stretch when you are done to avoid muscle stiffness and muscle pain.
  • Exercise is important, but diet means 80% for weight loss. Eat a healthy diet that is low in fat, sugar and salt.
  • Do not cheat yourself. Even if you have exercised, you still need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Many people fall into the trap of “rewarding” themselves by eating sweets or lying on the couch for the rest of the day.
  • Exercise for 40 minutes three times a week. The other days are break days where your muscles recover and rebuild themselves. However, this does not mean that you should not move. Walking, for example, is always a good idea.
  • Drink about 8 glasses of water  a day for best results.

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