5 Foods That Harm Your Heart

Many foods harm your heart. Trans fatty acids, conservatives and added sugars are the big villains, and they are unfortunately found in many different foods. It is therefore important to always read the product declaration when you shop.
5 foods that hurt your heart

Did you know that there are foods that harm your heart?

The health of your heart is essential for a healthy body. The heart is the engine of the body, but do you take proper care of it? Many of us are not as good at it as we should be.
There is no denying that there is a strong link between being happy and being healthy, but that is not always the whole story. There are times when we make mistakes in our exercise habits or diets.

Read on here as we review five foods that hurt your heart.

Five foods that hurt your heart

1. Cheese is not good for the heart

Toast with cheese

Cheese is made from fermented cow’s milk. It has a high fat content.

Some types of cheese are worse than others. Cheddar is one of the coolest types of cheese. The additives and dyes are not good for your heart either.

Eating too much fat increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

  • In addition, cheese contains a lot of salt that can give you high blood pressure .

Many of us eat too much fat and salt in our normal diet. Cheese is a source of both that we do not need if we want to take care of our heart.

2. Study suggests that artificial sweeteners can harm your heart

Soda is never a healthy choice – and neither are the sugar-free sodas. They may not make you put on weight, but the artificial sweeteners are not good for you.

Many sodas also contain salt.

Soda can be incredibly tempting. Many of them do not mind drinking sugar-free soda because they do not make us put on weight.

However, a study suggests that artificial sweeteners may lead to cardiovascular problems in the long run.

3. The hidden fat in muesli bars

Muesli bars

Muesli bars are popular. They are easy to include in the food package, they taste good and then it gives a quick shot of energy. But muesli bars often contain large amounts of sugar and hardened fats, which increase bad cholesterol.

  • Bad cholesterol (LDL) makes blood thicker and makes the circulation worse. The heart is damaged because it has to work much harder to do its job.
  • LDL makes the blood vessels narrower and less flexible. It can also lead to blood clots and atherosclerosis.

If you love muesli bars and would rather not do without them, then you can try making your own at home. You can make them from healthy ingredients such as oatmeal, without fat and added sugar.

4. Margarine and butter damage your heart

Margarine and butter consist almost exclusively of fat. Butter is especially bad because it contains large amounts of saturated fat.

Although some types of oils and plant margarines are better than others, they all contain a lot of fat.


5. Some types of canned food contain additives and salt that damage the heart

Daasemad - damages your heart

Beware of preservatives, especially butylhydroxyanisole and butylhydroxytoluene. Some types of canned food also contain large amounts of salt that can lead to cardiovascular disease.

It does not matter if it is healthy food: once these conservatives have been used, the food is no longer healthy.

Therefore, it is important to eat such foods as little as possible. We know that time and money can sometimes make it difficult to use fresh food.

A lot of canned food is perfectly fine, but some types may contain conservatives that are not good for the body. Remembering this will help you lean towards more natural and homemade options when you have a little extra time or money.

Were you surprised by these five foods that can hurt your heart? Remember to read the product declaration when you shop. Or how about making your own healthy homemade meals?

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