Be Aware Of These 6 Symptoms Of Worms In The Gut

Since some symptoms can also occur due to other problems, if we experience more than two, we need to go to a specialist to check if we have worms in the gut
Be aware of these 6 symptoms of worms in the gut

Having worms in the gut can be a condition that disturbs or even scares many people. However, you should not be ashamed if you suffer from the symptoms.

Remember that worms in the gut are a very common disease and they do not just affect people developing countries.

Contact your doctor and follow his instructions to improve your health quickly. Here are some symptoms that may indicate the presence of parasites in your body.

What are worms in the gut?

Worms in the gut or parasites are organisms that live and are nourished by another organism. Thus, intestinal parasites are organisms whose survival depends on human nutrition and health.

Intestinal parasites can begin to inhabit your body in several ways. The most common way our bodies can be infected is through ingestion.

Larvae can be easily camouflaged in raw chicken and pork. It is also possible to ingest them from contaminated water and untreated fruits or vegetables.

In addition, it is also very easy to become infected by parasites through contact with animals (even cats, dogs and birds).

There are many types of intestinal worms that are known by different under colloquial and scientific names. Thus, they can have different sizes and shapes and cause different symptoms.

Symptoms indicating the presence of worms in the intestine


Thin stools can be a sign of worms in the gut

Diarrhea is a common symptom of several diseases, not just intestinal worms.

It can occur for many reasons from consuming food in poor condition to heart or respiratory infections. Diarrhea is a very common symptom in the case of uni-cellular intestinal parasites.

  • This type of parasite is sometimes called angle worm, although it is almost invisible to the naked eye.
  • In the case of large worms, from one inch onwards, diarrhea appears only when there is an overpopulation in the intestine.
  • In this case, the patient may observe the worms in the stool.

Abdominal pains

Many patients can confuse this pain with cramps because abdominal pain associated with worms in the gut is intermittent and quite strong.

There are women who ignore this symptom of intestinal parasites because of their resemblance to severe menstrual cramps.

  • Abdominal pain caused by worms affects the lower part of the torso, closer to the crotch than the abdomen.
  • This symptom indicates the presence of worms that feed directly on the intestinal walls, irritating the nerve endings and causing severe pain.

Slow growth

Children on the toilet

This symptom is one of the most common in children and adolescents. As we have already indicated, there are parasites or worms that are fed by nutrients through the host body, in this case the human.

Intestinal worms use a large amount of vitamins and minerals needed for growth.

Children who have parasites are usually lower and thinner than most. They may also have a lack of energy to cope with their daily lives.

If your child sleeps a lot of time during the day and is tired when she or he wakes up, worms can be the problem. In this case, contact your doctor to start treatment.


Fatigue is a symptom of possible malnutrition, rather than the worms themselves. When worms eat more nutrients than the infected human body, the person may feel weak and sleepy.

If you notice changes in your energy levels, start looking for possible occurrences of other symptoms.

Dry cough


There are several types of worms that are located in the human gut, most of their life cycle. But in the first stage, when they are only larvae, they can develop in other parts of the body.

  • Some parasites migrate to the lungs and esophagus in the early stages of their growth. This can cause inflammation in the sensitive tissue.
  • A dry cough that is not relieved by anti-flu or sore throat remedies may indicate parasites.
  • This symptom can be quite annoying and even painful.

Change in appetite

The intestinal worms are found as a strange mass embedded in the body. Even if you do not feel their presence physically, your body constantly receives nervous stimuli from the intestines.

These stimuli tell the brain that the intestines are full, but it clearly cannot identify whether it is processed food or worms.

Thus, you like a sudden change in your appetite. You may want to eat less and less and be content with a smaller amount of food.

On the other hand, there are some types of worms that consume too many nutrients. This causes your body to suffer from a nutritional deficit. In this case, you may feel hungry much more often and increase your food intake.

You need to be very careful when any of these symptoms occur. It is unlikely that one of them directly indicates the presence of parasites in the body.

However, if you notice that two or more symptoms appear at the same time, it is recommended that you consult your doctor.

Are you looking for a way to eliminate intestinal parasites naturally? Read this article on Natural Medicine Against Intestinal Parasites – Five Recipes

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