Get Rid Of Fluid Retention With Pineapple, Cucumber And Horseradish

The combination of horseradish tea with pineapple and cucumber eliminates retaining fluids, while also giving you vital minerals and nutrients for optimal health. Try it!
Get rid of fluid retention with pineapple, cucumber and horseradish

Get rid of fluid retention with natural diuretic foods such as pineapple, cucumber, and horseradish.

Find out below what they can do for your body and how to consume them daily to eliminate retained fluids, lose weight, and relieve bloating.

Get rid of retained fluids by eating right

People who have problems with fluid retention problems are looking for supplements or means to get rid of their bloating.

When you lose fluid, you will notice a change in the fluid scale. This number may go up again, due to various factors like excess salt or a sedentary lifestyle.

Some ailments related to inflammation can also be ameliorated with diuretic foods as it reduces the excess fluids accumulated in the affected area. This is also the case with arthritis.

Some diuretic foods can be added to your daily diet to naturally balance your body fluids.

It is also very helpful to drink water outside of meals to promote good kidney function. It is advisable to drink at least 8 glasses a day, especially when it is hot.



Pineapple is a sweet, sour tropical fruit with a refreshing taste and large amounts of water and fiber.

The fruit is often found in weight loss diets because it improves the digestion of proteins and fats and it is very filling.

Its highly soluble fiber content promotes bowel movement and fights constipation.

Pineapple in particular derives its detoxifying and diuretic abilities from some nutrients, such as:

  • Asparagine
  • Bromelain
  • Potassium
  • Caffeic acid
  • Arginine

In addition, they also contain antioxidants and anti-cancer compounds, while improving blood circulation.

To take advantage of all this, always choose fresh pineapple, not canned.

You can enjoy them in homemade juices or smoothies, salads, in desserts, baked or topped with cinnamon, ginger and brown sugar.


Cucumber i and peel

Cucumbers used as medicinal food in ancient Egypt (and as a beauty product by Cleopatra) are a gentle, very refreshing garden vegetable from the same family as melons, squash and pumpkins.

One of the most common uses of cucumbers in natural beauty treatments is to apply cucumbers on closed eyes. This will reduce inflammation and bags under the eyes, especially because they remove retained fluids in your body.

Cucumbers consist almost exclusively of water and contain very few calories, making them ideal for weight loss diets.

You can make a salad with cucumbers and other vegetables or use them in juice and gazpacho. They are excellent for hydrating your body and eliminating fluids in the summer.



Horseradish is a popular medicinal plant rich in a wide variety of minerals, such as silicon, potassium and magnesium.

It grows wild near rivers and humid areas, making it easy to find.

This plant eliminates fluid retention and stimulates the production of urine while avoiding the mineral loss caused by other diuretics.

Its richness of minerals makes horseradish an ideal plant for improving the health and appearance of the skin, as well as for your hair and your nails, and it also helps prevent osteoporosis and dental problems.

In addition, it is a hemostatic agent that is good for stopping bleeding.

You can take it as a supplement, extract or in tea form. You can make tea by boiling dried horseradish in water for 15 minutes

If you collect it yourself, you can blend the stems and enjoy them with fruit.

A complete smoothie to get rid of fluid retention

Do you want to ingest these three diuretic ingredients in a smoothie to eliminate retained fluids naturally and effectively?

  • We recommend making horseradish tea, and when it is sifted, mix it with pineapple and cucumber.
  • This is a great way to enjoy this tasty medicine.

The best time of day to drink this smoothie is on an empty stomach with no other food to enhance its detoxifying and diuretic abilities.

We do not recommend taking horseradish for a long time, but use it for a certain period of time as a detoxifying agent.

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