9 Habits That Can Cause Pain In The Neck

To avoid getting a sore neck, one can try to identify these habits and then avoid them as much as possible. These habits involve smoking as well as having a bad posture.
9 habits that can cause pain in the neck

Pain in the neck affects about 67% of the population. Are you among this large percentage?

Pain in the neck

Did you know that some habits can cause neck pain? What can be done to stop this discomfort from continuing?

Pain in the neck is often caused by activities that require repetitive movements or a prolonged poor posture.

It can lead to increased tension, damage to the joints or cramps in the muscles of the neck.

Most of the time, it is one’s habits that cause the pain in the neck. Maybe you never thought about them. Or you are aware that you are doing activities that are harmful to your health – you have just never connected them to your neck.

In this article we will tell you what these things are. Stay tuned and change what you will need to have a more comfortable and joyful life.

A sedentary lifestyle

Man sitting on the couch in front of the TV

Lack of physical activity is harmful to one’s entire body.

Physical inactivity is one of those habits that will hurt one’s neck. This is because it affects one’s metabolism in the movable ligament. It requires movement to maintain the important balance of the cells.

Because the structure of one’s spine allows one to move easily, it leads to injuries when one does not move. The result is a pain along the spine, which will get worse around the neck.

The way to avoid this is by moving. Any form of physical activity can work:

  • Go
  • Run
  • Swim
  • Dance
  • Practice yoga

One should just remember that one should not push oneself too hard in the beginning. If you do not normally train and suddenly start a super intense routine, then it can not only damage your neck but also your knees and spine.

You have a bad posture

Pain in the neck bothers many people. And one’s computer might be part of the problem. Often , office chairs do not support one’s natural curvature of one’s spine.

Due to the lack of support for the lower back and the lack of support for one’s arms, people who work at the computer are often forced to lean over the table.

This habit damages one’s neck because it forms a curvature of one’s spine, which is shaped like a “C”. The result is increased pressure on one’s neck and the lumbosacral disc.

The ideal is to have a workplace that is ergonomically adapted to one’s posture and will not adversely affect one’s health. You can also try setting an alarm every 30 or 40 minutes. It may remind one to change position.

This will cause:

  • Better blood flow
  • Better blood circulation
  • The spine gets a chance to relax

One’s posture is also affected by other things. Things such as wearing inappropriate footwear and carrying heavy bags or items can also result in poor posture.

One should remember that one should never carry more than 10% of his body weight. Although it is difficult sometimes, you should try to keep it in mind – especially for children who often carry very heavy backpacks at school.

You smoke

Woman smoking

The third habit that causes neck pain is one that one might not have expected. Lung cancer and diabetes are already linked to smoking. Now one can add something else to that list: chronic neck pain.

Smoking causes one’s ligaments in the back to become dehydrated. It also accelerates degeneration. This can lead to a herniated disc or a pressure. It can affect the proper functioning of one’s spine.

This bad habit also causes blockages in one’s blood vessels. This is a problem because over time, less oxygen will reach your spine and discs.

One is addicted to a cell phone

Writing on a mobile phone not only puts pressure on one’s thumbs. Every time you look down to use your phone, you also put a lot of pressure on your muscles in the neck.

One can imagine a medicine ball balancing on top of a golf tee. One’s head weighs about 4.5 kilos. This means that it takes a lot of effort to keep that medicine ball on top of a tee.

Limiting your time in front of the screen and lifting your phone up to eye level are two options that can solve the problem.

One exaggerates his intake of alcohol

It is no surprise that when you sleep in a strange position, you get a sore neck the following day. This can happen occasionally. And the hypothesis is that it is more likely to happen after drinking alcohol.

Here is the reason: people tend to change position several times during the night. But when you are drunk, you tend to move less when you sleep.

This means that one’s body may be trapped in the same strange position which causes one’s neck to be tense for a long time. To prevent this, one should drink only the amount of alcohol that one can handle.

If possible, one should completely avoid consuming alcoholic beverages.

You have a bad mattress or pillow

Make bed in a bedroom

Another thing that can cause neck pain is that one sleeps with too many pillows or pillows that are too soft. This affects how the head is positioned relative to the back, causing a pressure on one’s neck.

A soft mattress is another flaw that causes a bad pressure point on one’s spine. A very hard mattress does not help either, because one’s spine has its own curvature, which the mattress will have to adapt to.

The best solution is a firm mattress with ergonomic pillows, which are designed to keep one’s head in line with the spine.

One should avoid habits that injure one’s neck.

Have you already noted your bad habits? It’s time for you to change them and let your neck rest.

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