Ocular Melanomas – Are Freckles In The Eyes Dangerous?

Freckles in the eyes are similar to those we can have on the skin.
Ocular melanomas - are freckles in the eyes dangerous?

Just like our skin, our eyes can also have spots, birthmarks and even freckles. In the world of science, they are called ocular melanomas. As a rule, they are quite harmless, but it is wise just to keep an eye on them (excuse the pun!).

Ocular melanomas are also known as freckles in the eyes. These are birthmark-like spots that form inside the eye and their shape and color are similar to those we get on the skin.

It is a benign condition that occurs in 6% of white people who are most likely to get them. It is also more common among newborns and people under 20 years of age. The risk of it becoming malignant is low, below 1%.

These stains will probably make you think they are dangerous. So today we explain what you should know about them and the complications they may cause.

What are freckles in the eyes?

Ocular melanomas are benign, pigmented growths that can occur in the eye. In addition , they are formed on the front of the eye – in the white part of the eye, which is called the conjunctiva.

They are formed by an abnormal and non-uniform grouping of cells called melanocytes. Melanocytes have the task of forming a pigment called melanin, which gives color to the skin, hair and eyes.

As for the shape, they can be flat or slightly elevated and rarely larger than 1 mm. Their appearance is very similar to the birthmarks we see on the skin, and it is usually a congenital disease. That is, we are either born with it or get it at an early age.

Such marks are also formed when one is exposed to too much sunlight unprotected. For this reason  , they are more common in people with fair skin.

Freckles in the eye are usually something you are born with

Freckles in the eye are almost always benign and usually nothing to worry about.

Symptoms of ocular melanomas

In general, freckles are asymptomatic.

If people go to the doctor with it, it is often because you observe an injury or you feel a slight irritation. You should also be aware that the presence of a small dark spot in the eye does not have to mean that there is a disease behind it.

As with birthmarks, freckles in the eyes rarely lead to symptoms or complications. As a rule, they are just a special, personal characteristic. Just like any other freckles you can have on your skin.

People often confuse them with the colored formations, which in many cases are a normal part of the eyeball. This is because the layer covering the eye may be too thin, making it transparent.

Unlike brown spots, ocular melanomania are clearly demarcated, flat, firm and can even be moved by touch. That is, they are not connected to the inner layers of the eye.

When to see a doctor?

1% of these freckles can form mutations in their melanocytes, and over time they transform into melanoma malignum. This is a malignant tumor, and it is particularly characterized by its ability to spread.

It may be too late to do something if you have not paid enough attention. Therefore, awareness and awareness of all our brands is important, both on the skin and in the eye. You should talk to your doctor if you notice a spot in the eye there:

  • Gets bigger.
  • Changes appearance.
  • Sitting in an unusual place.
  • Changing fast.

Signs that a freckle in the eye could be malignant

An ophthalmologist checked client

A consultation with the ophthalmologist at the right time can remove any doubts you might have about a spot in the eye.

In general, ocular melanomas are not malignant, but it may be a good idea to visit your doctor if you notice anything unusual. For  a benign spot may well go on to become malignant. Here are the most common signs:

  • A change in the color of the iris of the eye. Benign freckles are usually brownish or gray-brownish, so a yellow color is not normal.
  • Changes in vision. It can be double or unclear.
  • The blush.
  • Pain or itching.
  • Changes in shape, size or stiffness.
  • If it occurs in adulthood.
  • If fluid leaks from the eyeball.

How are ocular melanomas treated?

Fortunately, most freckles in the eye require no treatment as they neither affect vision nor are problematic for health. So you do not need to do if the brand is benign. At least not according to the  American Academy of Ophthamology.

However, if the stain changes and develops into menaloma malignum, it may require surgical removal if the location and size allow. In addition, radiation therapy is a common part of this treatment.

Shortly said; These melanomas rarely pose a danger to our health, but we need to be aware of them and their characteristics as well as keep them under surveillance. That way, stupid know when to seek medical attention if changes occur.

We hope you enjoyed this article.

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