8 Reasons Why Your Urine Smells And What You Can Do About It

Bad smelling urine is usually due to your diet or dehydration. However, if it lasts a long time, it is best to see a specialist to determine if there are more serious problems.
8 reasons why your urine smells and what you can do about it

Have you noticed that your urine always has a bad odor? Want to know the reasons why your urine smells bad?

If so, keep reading and we’ll tell you the most common reasons.

Urine has a characteristic odor due to urea. According to the concentration of urea in your body, your urine will have a stronger or weaker odor.

Usually, your urine does not have a strong or unpleasant odor.

When a bad odor occurs, this is a sign that something is happening in your body. It can be a simple matter of changing your diet. Or it may be due to a more serious health problem.

1. Dehydration makes your urine smell bad

Drink plenty of water

There is something you should think about when you first start noticing a strong urine odor. Think about the amount of water you have ingested in the last few days.

Remember that it is best to drink 8 glasses of water a day. And if you have not done this, it may cause the problem to appear.

There is something you will notice if dehydration is the cause of the bad odor. This sign is dark yellow or orange urine with an ammonia-like odor.

In general, drinking more non-flavored water causes this problem to go away.

If this color of urine is accompanied by dizziness, weakness or extreme fatigue, it may be due to severe dehydration. In this case, see a doctor immediately.

2. Urinary tract infections

Another of the possible reasons why your urine smells bad is due to urinary tract infections. The most common symptoms are:

  • Strong need to use the toilet.
  • Burning sensations when urinating.
  • Abdominal pains.

The most common bacteria in these infections is E. Coli. And it is important to go to a doctor to get the treatment you need.

3. Diabetes

Measure blood sugar

Does your urine have a sweet smell? If this is the case then you should see your doctor as soon as possible. This is because it can be one of the symptoms of diabetes.

  • If you are already diabetic and you are taking insulin pills, make sure you follow your treatment to the letter. This is because this odor means you are not doing what you are supposed to.
  • If you are injecting insulin and it takes some time to do this, talk to your doctor. Ask them if this odor may be a secondary effect and not a sign of high blood sugar.

4. Liver problems

Another reason why your urine may have a bad odor is due to liver problems.

If this is the case, you will have bad smelling urine along with these symptoms:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pains
  • Yellow eyes
  • Weakness
  • Weight loss

5. Eat too much of certain kinds of foods

Onions and spring onions

One of the main reasons why your urine smells bad is related to your diet.

If you have noticed this problem after eating vegetables with stalks like asparagus, you need not worry. This is because this problem disappears quickly.

Some of the foods that cause this condition are:

  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Curry
  • Salmon
  • Alcohol
  • Coffee

Do you still have this problem even if you have not eaten these foods for a while How much salt do you add to your recipes?

A diet rich in salt can make your urine more concentrated. This gives it a stronger smell than usual.

Try to reduce the amount of salt you eat. This can also be good for helping with the health of your heart.

6. Use of vaginal lavage

There are some women who have trouble accepting the characteristics of their intimate areas. As a result, it is not surprising that there are some who use vaginal rinses.

If you have started using them and you notice bad urine odor at the same time, listen once. It will be best for you to stop as soon as possible.

Vaginal flushing not only cleanses your vagina. They also damage the bacteria in your genital area. The result is that they make bad smells worse instead of making them better.

If you have a bad odor from your feminine area for a few months, talk to your doctor instead of using this treatment. They can tell you if you have a real problem or if it is something normal. And they will also tell you if you need treatment or not.

7. You are ovulating

Ovulation causes the urine to smell

The same hormones that help you during childbirth (estrogen and progesterone) also regulate your menstrual cycle.

These hormones have a small effect on the smell of your urine. Because of this, when you are ovulating, you may notice that your urine has a bad odor similar to ammonia.

8. Some medications, supplements and vitamins make your urine smell

The last reason your urine smells is related to the aromas used in medications, supplements and vitamins. These may help you. But they can also affect the smell and color of your urine.

There are also types of medications that, due to their effect on the organs and the problem they are treating, that cause this problem.

It is a good idea to talk to your doctor so they can tell you if this is normal.

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