Beware! Ten Beauty Products You Should Never Share

Whether you share makeup or hygiene products (such as deodorant), you expose yourself and others to all kinds of bacteria and microorganisms that can cause infections and irritation.
Beware!  Ten beauty products you should never share

Maybe you’re in your house, getting ready for a party with your best friend. While she puts on her makeup, she asks to borrow some from your makeup bag. Without thinking about it twice, you say, “Of course! Take what you need. ” Here are Ten beauty products you should never share!

Ten beauty products you should never share

But be careful! There are several beauty products that one should never share with others.

What beauty products should you keep to yourself?

It does not matter if it is your sister, your cousin or your soulmate: Do not share makeup, hygiene and beauty products! If you feel you are selfish then just explain your argument. Your friend will understand you and appreciate it, because by being careful yourself, you are also taking care of her.

Under no circumstances should you share:


Your eyes are one of the most delicate parts of your face and body in general. Countless bacteria can penetrate your eyes and cause infections. One of the most common infections is conjunctivitis or eye inflammation, but there are much more serious problems.

Your eyelashes act as one of the barriers that keep these harmful organisms from entering. So if you share mascara, you are also exposing yourself to potential disease.

beauty products you should never share: Brushes and sponges

Brush and some powder

Once again let’s talk about the many bacteria and bacilli that are just waiting to get under your skin. Most of the time, they are invisible, as small and microscopic as they are.

When several people use the same makeup brush or sponge on their face or neck, everything can be transferred from one person’s skin to the others. This can increase your risk of getting pimples, blackheads, irritation, infections, allergic reactions and more.

It does not matter how clean your friend keeps her face – if you are susceptible to pimples or blackheads, it is not worth the risk of sharing these tools.

If you do not have two clean brushes, you can use a liquid cleaning spray that is sold in most beauty or perfume corridors. Some women also choose to disinfect these products with alcohol, which dries quickly.


It is worth mentioning this in today’s article because sometimes people are not aware of how risky sharing a toothbrush can be. If you are not already disgusted at the thought of sharing your toothbrush with your friend or boyfriend, we bet you will think about it twice before doing it next time after reading this.

Countless bacteria accumulate in your mouth after you eat, and because you are constantly in contact with all sorts of things (fingernails, pen, paper), it all touches your lips, tongue, gums and more.

Diseases such as influenza and cold sores can be spread by sharing the same toothbrush. It is a good idea to always have an extra one in the bathroom, for those times when someone is sleeping with you and has forgotten to bring their own.

In your case, always have a travel toothbrush in your bag in case of emergencies. They are very practical and small.

beauty products you should never share: razor blades

Maybe you’re in your boyfriend’s house and you realize you forgot to shave under your arms. You rummage through his bathroom and find his scraper… Voila! But do not use it.

Every time you use a scraper, it can cause small cuts in the skin, even bleeding. Any bacteria remains in the razor blades even if you rinse them thoroughly.

You never know if the person who also uses this scraper could have a disease like hepatitis or HIV. So be careful! This also applies to the use of tweezers and electric razors. These are things that should never be shared or borrowed.

Lip products

Different lipsticks

You are about to go out and have a drink with your colleagues from work, and while you are putting your makeup in the bathroom, a friend comes in and asks to try your lip gloss because it matches her outfit. Or maybe you just got a new shade of lipstick and your sister wants to see what it looks like on her.

As with the toothbrush, it is never a good idea to share things that have been in contact with your lips or mouth. And please stay away from testers for lipstick and glosses in stores.

If you have no choice but to share a lipstick product, spray it with alcohol or sterilizing mixture first (yes, it is something else that you should always carry with you in case of emergency).

Creams and lotions in pots and jars

Have you ever thought that every time you dip your fingers in your face cream or night cream, you let the bacteria from your hands hold a feast on the delicate skin of your face? And don’t worry about the dangerous organisms that you could expose yourself to… imagine what happens when you share these products with others.

Always wash your hands thoroughly before using these products and also make it a requirement for sharing this.


This precaution is similar to that of mascara above. When you lend your eyeliner pencil to a friend, you are mainly transmitting bacteria or viruses from your eyes to hers and vice versa.

One of the most serious problems that can happen is a serious eye infection called keratitis.

beauty products you should never share: Deodorant

Woman getting deodorant on

You are only “allowed” to share aerosol or spray deodorants. Keep other forms to yourself. The arms are a part of the body where bacteria from sweat accumulate, either because you shave them or because they are usually covered with clothes.

Deodorants that are in gel or pin form come in direct contact with the skin, and therefore accumulate millions of bacteria. Before using them, it is a good idea to always wash the area well. And do not think about sharing these products! Not even in an emergency!

Nail clippers

Many times there is just one set of nail clippers for an entire household of family members. What a mistake! Unless you make sure to clean them thoroughly every time, it’s a bad idea to share it.

When you cut your nails, you usually expose the nail clipper to the underside of your nail. And there are not only bacteria under there – dirt and grime are also collected and shared with your family members. Avoid splitting nail clippers and scissors to prevent bacterial and fungal infections.

As if that is not enough, your nails can sometimes be ingrown and when you cut them it causes bleeding. Remember what we said before about scrapers.

beauty products you should never share: Nail files

Woman filing nails

Here’s another product you can not share. All kinds of bacteria that cause disease accumulate under the nail. Try to wash your nails thoroughly before use, and of course keep the nail file to yourself.

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