Calm Down With These 5 Breathing Techniques

In this article, we will explain how to perform these five techniques. They are easy and you will find a good balance between your mind and your body while bringing them together.
Calm down with these 5 breathing techniques

Do you often feel stressed? Is your heart rate sometimes higher than it should be when you are running around trying to do a thousand things at the same time? In this article we will tell you how to calm down with these 5 breathing techniques.

Many people feel stressed in an everyday life that seems to be getting busier and busier.

If you feel the same way, it is a good idea to make an appointment with your doctor to make sure there is nothing seriously wrong. High blood pressure and poor mental health are just two of the diseases you can get if you are under high pressure in everyday life for a long time.

It is also important that you keep an eye on your diet. Eat less salt and also make sure to exercise plenty.

But there is also something else you can do to calm down when everything is getting too much.

Breathing techniques are great for getting your heart rate down, especially deep and slow breaths.

Breathing exercises require a little bit of training, but they work well. Also remember that

The 5 breathing techniques are easy and you will find a good balance between your mind and your body while bringing them together.

Concentrate on one word and breathe

An easy technique to calm down is to focus on one word. By focusing on this word, you “turn off” your mental noise. This includes the erratic thoughts that usually cause stress or anxiety.

Once we have achieved inner peace, we begin with the breathing technique. Now we explain how to do it.

  • Sit in a comfortable place with your back straight.
  • Choose a word (wind, harmony, balance, peace, tranquility…).
  • Repeat the word slowly until an image appears in your mind.
  • Inhale deeply thereafter.
  • Hold your breath for four seconds. Then exhale loudly for a few seconds.

2. Breathing technique to “cool” your body

The following suggestions may be a bit distinctive. But it is very useful and effective in reducing your heart rate. It also calms your mind and regulates your blood pressure.

This technique is usually practiced in yoga. It has the name Sheetali . This is a word that comes from Sanskrit. It can be translated as a cooling calm or a cooling of your body.

We explain how to do it.

  • Sit with your back straight.
  • Relax in your shoulders and arms.
  • Inhale in a slow, relaxed manner.
  • Stick your tongue out and try to draw a “U” in the air with the tip of your tongue.
  • While doing this exercise, breathe for five seconds (you should be extremely focused).
  • Now close your mouth gently. You will notice an interesting internal cooling…

3. Get your heart rate down in five minutes

This is an easy and effective way to harmonize your breathing. It also helps you find good mental control.

Pay attention to the process:

  • Sit in a comfortable place with your back straight.
  • Then tilt your head back slightly.
  • Close your eyes and rest your hands on your knees.
  • Inhale now and exhale five times slowly. You should do it as slowly as possible.
  • Your breathing must be audible. To do this, shape your lips as if you are trying to say the vowel “O.”

4. Breathe with your stomach

Stomach or membrane respiration is one of the best known and without a doubt the most widely used. So if you have not chosen any of these five techniques to reduce your blood pressure, this would be one of the most helpful.

Here’s how to do it.

  • Place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach.
  • Breathe deeply through your nose. You should feel your diaphragm expand – not your chest.
  • Hold this air for a few seconds, and exhale deeply.
  • Repeat this over 10 minutes. You can see how it eases your mind and balances your heart.

5. Exhale from one nostril, and then the other

Woman and man blocking right nostrils - breathing techniques

We have already told you about this technique on our website before. It is very useful in reducing stress and even sleeping better.

In fact, we recommend that you do this when you are in bed. You need to do it 30 minutes before going to bed: it gives you a healing sleep and you will wake up with a more balanced blood pressure.

These are the steps you need to follow.

  • Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight.
  • Relax for a few minutes.
  • Then use your right thumb to block the right nostril.
  • Breathe deeply through your left nostril.
  • When you have inhaled as much as you can and can not take in more air, close your left nostril with your right ring finger.
  • Now breathe out through your right nose.
  • Then do the same with this page. In other words, when you have inhaled as much as you can with your right nostril, it blocks and breathes the air through your left nostril.

Are you ready to try one of these great breathing exercises? Your heart and mind will thank you.

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