Can Diverticulosis Be Treated With Healthy Eating?

Diverticulosis is a disease you need to be very careful about. Living on a diet rich in fiber, as well as drinking enough water, is part of the treatment that can prevent the need for a surgical procedure.
Can Diverticulosis Be Treated With Healthy Eating?

Can Diverticulosis Be Treated With Healthy Eating? You should always take good care of your body and your health. After all, it is necessary to live by more and more healthy habits, in order to have a high quality of life and avoid deterioration of your health.

When it comes to your health, you should not hesitate and you should pay attention to every detail. Therefore, talk to your doctor about the health concerns you may have.

One of the disorders you should not overlook is diverticulosis.

The condition occurs in the colon, and can go from being a minor disorder to being a fatal disease. Therefore, it is recommended that you  do everything you can to live by the diets that prevent the development of this disorder.

Possible treatments for diverticulosis

Bowl of broccoli

The purpose of the treatment of diverticulosis is to  prevent the formed pouches (diverticula) from harming your body. In all cases, it is important to follow a specialist’s advice.

A very important aspect is your diet. It is essential that you follow a high-fiber diet to the letter. In fact, to prevent the disease from getting worse, it is recommended that you eat fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

We suggest that you gradually increase the amount of fiber in your diet so that your body can get used to the change. That way, you avoid the risk of getting stomach pains. (This is only if the disease is not at a more dangerous stage.)

Among the foods that are generally good when in treatment for diverticulosis are cabbage and broccoli. Potatoes, wheat bread and apples are also good options.

Recommended recipe

Lentil soup

It is easy to make this soup with lentils and mushrooms. To make this dish, use the following ingredients:


  • 350 grams of lenses
  • 450 grams of mushrooms
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 4 tbsp. olive oil (60 g.)
  • 1 teaspoon flour (3 g.)
  • 1 large onion


Boil the lentils, cut the onions and mushrooms into cubes and mix it all in a pan in the oil. Also add the garlic, sliced, finely chopped or pressed.

If the abdominal pain from the diverticulosis remains constant or worsens, stop eating this dish. After a few days, the discomfort should have subsided significantly.

Then you can resume your diet.

Another habit you should build for gut well-being is to drink plenty of water.

Pay attention to medication


Sometimes you will be told that you need to take supplemental dietary fiber. With a dietary fiber supplement as one of the possible treatments for diverticulosis, it is common for your doctor to ask you to take dietary fiber three times daily. That way, you get up to 10 grams of dietary fiber a day.

But help from your doctor

Young man at the doctor - diverticulosis is treated

If your symptoms get worse, there are other possible treatments for diverticulosis.

For example, bleeding may be a symptom of the disease. Although this symptom sometimes stops on its own and without treatment,  you should still seek medical attention if the bleeding originates from the rectum. In those cases, a doctor will try to locate where the bleeding is coming from, by performing a binocular examination or a tomography.

If the bleeding does not stop, the last option is an operation of the bowel called resection of the colon. In a bowel resection, the affected or diseased part of the bowel is removed and the remaining bowel is then sutured together.

Another problem that occurs with diverticulosis, and which also requires prompt intervention, is peritonitis. This disorder requires surgery as soon as possible. If not handled quickly enough, it can be fatal.

If a patient’s bowel is perforated in the diseased area, it must also be operated on immediately.

Abscesses also play an important role. If the prescribed medication does not work, a doctor must drain the abscesses with great care and ingenuity.

People who suffer from diverticulosis and its sequelae know that they also occasionally suffer from constipation.

Only if there is a total blockage of the intestine, it should be operated on immediately. If the bowel is only partially blocked, it does not necessarily mean that surgery is needed.

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