Delicious And Healthy Pear Pie When You Are On A Cure

Pears are full of fiber and other healthy properties. In this article you will find a recipe for a delicious and healthy pear pie that you can eat even when you are on a diet.
Delicious and healthy pear pie when you are on a cure

There are lots of healthy desserts you can make with fruit. It is best not to use refined sugar products or replace high quality natural products. In this article, you will get the recipe for a delicious and healthy pear pie that will delight even the most discerning dessert eaters.

Pears are the star of many dessert recipes because their soft and juicy texture goes well with many kinds of culinary preparation techniques. Using wine is a well-known trick, but there are many other ideas.

Bulbs grow in abundance in Spain, where certain varieties are named after their place of origin. This is the case with Jumilla, produced in Murcia, Rincon de Soto (from La Rioja) and Lerida from Catalonia.

Outside of Spain, there are even more varieties of pears all over the world. It is a good idea to learn a little about this fruit, which like apples and other fruits is very nutritious.

Properties and benefits of bulbs

Pears have healthy properties

Eating a pear will give approx. 53 calories per 100 grams. Pears contain fiber, which makes them easy to digest and is good for your entire gastrointestinal system, while acidity gives them astringent properties.

Pears are good for the following systems in your body: your nervous system, digestive system and cardiovascular system. The reason is the high nutrient content, such as B vitamins (B1, B2 and niacin). This fruit also nourishes your hair and skin, which helps to increase growth.

Pears also contain significant amounts of vitamins A and C, with all the attendant benefits. They also contain the following minerals: magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and copper.

Last but not least, pears contain tannin, oleic acid, palmitic acid, glutamic acid, linoleic acid, caffeic acid and aspartic acid! They are all necessary for the various biological processes they support and they provide great benefits to your overall health.

Also read:

Recipe for delicious and healthy pear pie

This pear pie is made with a very light and airy crust. The recipe is designed specifically for pears, but apples and other seasonal fruits can be used instead.

The basis of this recipe for healthy pear pie is a completely basic pie, with sliced ​​pears on top. Any other fruit that is suitable for being baked in the oven can be used with it.

The following recipe for delicious and healthy pear pie provides four servings. To increase the amount, be sure to increase each ingredient proportionally.


  • 2 large ripe pears
  • 2 eggs (60g)
  • ½ cup apple sauce (100g)
  • ½ cup Greek yogurt (100g)
  • 2 tablespoons rice flour (30g)
  • ½ cup brown sugar (100g)
  • 3 tablespoons coarse almond flour (45g)
  • The juice from 1 lemon
  • Cinnamon (at will)
  • 1 pinch of salt

Course of action

  • Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
  •  Grease a pie tin or line it with parchment paper. You can also use individual molds to make separate portions.
  • Peel the pears, remove the core, and cut them into thin slices. Place them in a bowl and drizzle with lemon juice so they do not become discolored.
  • Beat the eggs, with plums and whites separately.
  • Put yogurt, egg yolks, sugar and apple sauce in another bowl. Stir well until you have a uniform mixture.
  • Then add almond flour, rice flour and salt. Stir until you have a smooth dough without lumps.
  • Beat the egg whites with a whisk until soft peaks appear.
  • Slowly incorporate the egg whites into the dough, mixing gently so that the meringue retains its consistency.
  •  Place the dough in the greased pan and stack the pear slices on top. Give them a light pressure so that they are embedded in the dough.
  • Sprinkle a little sugar and cinnamon on top.
  • The pie is baked for approx. 40 minutes, or until browned on the surface.
  • Allow the pie to cool and serve.

This dessert contains few calories so it is light but still delicious. You can serve it with hot or cold tea, without added sugar or sweetener.

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