Delicious Recipe For Breakfast Buns

Bread is undoubtedly one of the foods whose preparation goes back the farthest. We have been eating it for thousands of years.
Delicious recipe for breakfast buns

Bread is undoubtedly one of the foods whose preparation goes back the farthest. We have been eating it for thousands of years. Over time, we have become better and better at baking it, so we now have a variety of delicious types of bread we can make. This delicious recipe for breakfast buns is one of them.

There are countless different recipes for breakfast buns, depending on the area’s tradition or personal preferences. You can use the recipe for breakfast buns that we give you below as a basis for experimenting yourself.

Before we give you the delicious recipe, we will briefly review the components, nutrients and contributions that are found in a good breakfast bun.

Bread is not always healthy. Therefore, you need to pay attention to what it is made of. In general, wheat flour, yeast, salt and water are the basic ingredients in the dough.

There are many myths about bread. The most common belief is that it only contributes carbohydrates and fats.

While the carbohydrate component in the chemical composition of wheat flour is undeniable, it does not necessarily mean that it is negative and counterproductive to the body.

In fact, carbohydrates are also necessary (to a greater or lesser extent depending on our metabolism) for the proper functioning of the body in general.

On the other hand, in short, there is no food at all that consists only of carbohydrates. The chemistry of food does not work that way. You have to be very careful with myths.

Now that we’ve talked a little more about the ingredients of the bread, we’ll share this delicious recipe for breakfast buns with you.

Recipe for breakfast buns

Wheat flour

White wheat flour

Wheat flour is not healthy, but it has some beneficial properties. You do not have to cut wheat flour completely out of your life. You can eat it in moderation, especially if you use whole wheat flour.

There are good nutritional contributions in wheat bran and probiotics. In short, they are the elements used to make both high quality flour and other various foods.

Wheat is the only cereal that is optimal for the management and nutritional planning of bread. Breakfast buns consist of wheat flour and yeast.

In this sense, if you have to be very careful about something, it is always the portions. 200 grams of bread does not pose a danger to your weight if you have a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. But if this is not the case and you have bad eating habits, then bread is not the best thing for you.

Once the aspects related to the ingredients in this type of bread have been clarified, the time has come to show you how to bake your own breakfast buns at home.

Also read: White bread or wholemeal bread: Which is better?


  • 4 cups wheat flour, without yeast (400 g).
  • 1 tablespoon yeast for flour (25 g).
  • 10 cups warm water (850 ml).
  • 1 tablespoon salt (25 g).

Course of action

  • First, you need to have a large bowl, preferably a deep one so you can use all the ingredients. It is important that you remember this.
  • Add all the dry ingredients to the bowl. That is, the flour, salt and yeast, and be sure to make a hole that will allow you to pour the water in.
  • After completing the previous step, add the water and start stirring.
  • You can do this with a plastic spoon or in a way that avoids lumps. The secret is that the mixture is smooth.
  • Continue to knead the dough. In this step, you need to be emphatic.

Visit this article: Nutritious banana bread without flour and dairy products

  • With both hands, continue kneading so that the mixture becomes smooth, manageable and free of lumps.
  • The result will be an elastic but firm mass.
  • At this point, you should make the elongated shape that is characteristic of breakfast buns.
  • Bake in the oven at a temperature of 120 ÂșC for 25 minutes, approx.
  • Take it out, let it cool a bit at room temperature and enjoy a good loaf of bread.

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