Diabetes During Pregnancy: Causes And Treatments

Diabetes during pregnancy, also known as gestational diabetes, is a serious problem for pregnant women. Find out why it occurs and how it can be treated in this article.
Diabetes during pregnancy: Causes and treatments

Diabetes during pregnancy is also known as gestational diabetes. Although the disease is basically very similar to the other types of diabetes, it has its special characteristics due to the vital time at which it occurs.

In short, the pathophysiology of the disease is the same. The cells of the tissue cannot absorb the glucose circulating in the blood and it rises above normal values ​​for  a large part of the day.

Statistics show that out of every hundred women who are pregnant, almost seven suffer from diabetes during pregnancy. That’s a pretty high number. Therefore, the routine monitoring of pregnant women in the risk group also includes measuring blood sugar.

Scientific evidence confirms that in the case of pure gestational diabetes , the values ​​return to normal once the pregnancy is over.

It can take about twelve weeks before they become completely normal. The problem is that the woman who has suffered from the disease is much more likely to develop type 2 diabetes in the future.

Causes of diabetes during pregnancy

The exact cause of the onset of diabetes in pregnancy is not entirely clear. We know that the result is a lack of cells to utilize blood glucose, but it is difficult to say why they are unable to do so.

In a normal digestive and nutritional process, glucose entering the body stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone that instructs the tissues to absorb the circulating sugar and not leave it in the blood.

Under normal conditions, glucose enters the cells and is always converted into energy to make the metabolism work.

In diabetes, this mechanism is blocked. We know that during pregnancy, the placenta is a hormone-producing organ. These different hormones have one thing in common: they inhibit the action of insulin. When the expected regulation gets out of control, then diabetes occurs in pregnancy.

Doctor checks for diabetes during pregnancy

Risk factors for gestational diabetes

Not all pregnant women get diabetes. In addition to the internal mechanisms that trigger it, experts have identified risk factors that make women more likely to get it. Among these factors we have:

  • Diabetic history: If the woman has previously had elevated blood sugar levels, or if she has a close family member who has diabetes, the risk is higher.
  • Diabetes in a previous pregnancy : If the woman has already had gestational diabetes, the risk of getting it again is higher.
  • Large babies: Similar to the above, when a previous pregnancy culminated with a large baby (more than 4 kilos at birth), the risk of diabetes in the current pregnancy is high.
  • Obesity and overweight: Women who are overweight before becoming pregnant, or who gain too much weight during pregnancy, often develop insulin resistance.

Treatment of diabetes during pregnancy

Diabetes during pregnancy poses a therapeutic challenge for physicians. Many medications commonly used among type 2 diabetics are not suitable for pregnant women. In fact, several of these drugs can alter fetal development.

Therefore , the treatment requires strict control that seeks to control the blood glucose level by changing the woman’s habits. To do this, it is important to first establish a routine for measuring blood sugar. Until it stabilizes, it may be necessary to check your blood sugar several times during the day with a glucose meter.

The mother’s diet should be strict during pregnancy. First and foremost, she needs to regulate her weight gain so as not to put on too much weight. And at the same time, she needs to work out a diet plan that does not overload the body with glucose.

The nutritionist’s challenge is to plan meals that do not increase blood glucose levels too much, while providing the calories needed for fetal growth.

The second pillar of treatment is physical exercise. Of course, it will be with the limitations that pregnancy entails. Exercise is able to stimulate the cells to consume the sugar that circulates in the blood.

Finally, the doctor will decide if medication is needed. As oral antidiabetics are not recommended, the alternative is injectable insulin. And since the child’s health is also part of the dilemma, the doctor will perform several ultrasound examinations and laboratory examinations.

Final comments

Diabetes during pregnancy is a disorder that greatly complicates pregnancies. However, there are mechanisms to detect the condition in time and treat it properly. In this way, both mother and child can go through the process with the least possible risk.

Therefore , it is important to adhere to pregnancy checks and follow the medical indications. If you suffer from gestational diabetes, diet and exercise with professional supervision will be the pillars in the treatment of it.

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