Discover The Benefits Of A Flexitarist Diet

Today we will tell you all about the benefits of a flexitar diet. This term describes a lifestyle that consists primarily of eating vegetables. In some cases, however, flexitars will consume meat. Read more right here.
Discover the benefits of a flexitar diet

Have you heard of a flexitarist diet? While vegetarian and vegan lifestyles have gained great popularity in the community, there is a growing group of people that we can see as flexitars. Are you familiar with this concept? Would you like to know the benefits of a flexitar diet? Read here!

This concept is quite new. More specifically, it refers  to being flexible with its diet. You may already belong to this group of people without even knowing it. Find out more in this article.

What is a flexitar diet?

Flexitars are those who base their diets on a vegetarian diet but also sometimes consume meat. This means that they also eat fish, shellfish and poultry.

As the vegetarian diet has become more modern, some of these individuals start by becoming flexitars first. They thus gradually stop eating meat until they eliminate it completely in the future.

In this group we can also include those who do not love meat and decide to eat it only in special cases. Or, for example,  those who consume seafood but not beef.

To put it bluntly, it is not a subgroup of a vegetarian diet. The latter has firm ethical reasons why meat intake is not acceptable under any circumstances. For flexitars, however, eating meat does not represent a transgression, and they therefore do not feel guilty about doing so either.

Foods for a flexitaristic diet

Flexitarian diet is not a subgroup of vegetarian diet, but rather a particular lifestyle.

What are the benefits of a flexitar diet?

Several studies have shown that basing your nutrition on vegetables has several health benefits. It should, of course, be within the framework of a diet balanced on nutrients and in relation to each individual person.

These effects also occur when individuals limit their intake of processed and fried foods as well as harmful substances such as alcohol and cigarettes.

Below we will mention the positive effects of flexiturial diet on the body.

It prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease is a serious global health problem. It is in fact the leading cause of death in industrialized countries. As a result of the accumulation of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol – which are abundant in red meat and meat products – in the arteries.

In that sense, the evidence says that a plant-based diet, such as flexitaristic, helps individuals avoid non-communicable ailments. We benefit not only because the intake of unhealthy fatty acids is lower, but also because antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances, which are able to improve vascular health, dominate.

Against obesity and diabetes

Obesity and type 2 diabetes are disorders of metabolic origin that have an inadequate diet as a risk factor. According to data expressed in the article, ” Flexitarism: A Review of the Literature “,  this diet plan is related to a lower risk of suffering from these diseases.

The above study actually revealed that BMI was within the normal parameters of groups of vegetarians and flexitars compared to people who eat meat. An adequate BMI is a protective factor against chronic disorders of the vital organs.

It prevents the occurrence of disorders in the intestines

Crohn’s disease and colon cancer are related to an excessive intake of red meat, sausages and fatty products. This type of diet therefore has a preventive effect against them.

Likewise, if you eat natural foods, it also keeps the structures in the digestive tract healthy and the intestinal flora in balance. In this way, it reduces the occurrence of fungus in the intestines and the development of diverticulum disease, which are puffiness that forms in the intestinal walls and can become inflamed.

It prevents kidney and gallstones

In general  , an intake of too many proteins, especially those of animal origin, induces the excretion of calcium, uric acid and oxalic acid through the urine. These substances are the basic components in the occurrence of kidney stones.

In addition, they are also associated with a regular intake of unhealthy cholesterol and fat, which is typically from meat dishes. In connection with this, it can protect the health of the kidneys if you reduce your intake of meat.

Woman with kidney stones takes care of her back

Kidney stones often come from proteins from meat.

Flexitaire diet: The last considerations

As you have seen, there are several benefits to a flexitar diet. Because it is plant-based, its contribution of dietary fiber, anti-inflammatory substances and antioxidants is high. It thus helps prevent the typical diseases that appear in the western diet.

However, it should be noted that like any other diet, it is important to get a balance in nutrients and adapt the diet to each individual person. Therefore, if you want to start on this type of diet, you should first talk to a nutritionist for advice on it.

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