Energetic Breakfast Without Dairy Products, Flour Or Sugar

Thanks to the properties of the natural ingredients, you can have an exciting breakfast. This gives you everything you need to cope with the day with better energy.
Energetic breakfast without dairy products, flour or sugar

If you are looking for breakfast that gives you energy, strength and fills you with nutrients, then we have the answer here. This healthy recipe does not contain dairy products, flour or sugar. In this article we will tell you how to make an energizing breakfast without dairy products, flour or sugar!

Try this breakfast recipe that will help you start your day with energy and good mood.

The importance of an energizing breakfast

Many people who want to start the day with energy usually resort to coffee.

Energetic breakfast

But even though coffee quickly stimulates your metabolism, its effects are not long lasting. Nor does it give you the amount of nutrients you need to get started on the day.

If you choose an energizing breakfast, you will find several health benefits:

  • You will feel full all morning long. And you do not have to “snack” in the form of other foods.
  • You can afford yourself some snacks during the day without suffering from lack of nutrients. This is because this breakfast is quite complete.
  • It activates your metabolism in a healthy way. And you can burn calories more easily.
  • You want to increase your bowel movements.

The basis of this breakfast

Below we will show you the properties of this nutritious breakfast.


Nuts are rich in protein, fiber, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. So they give you a lot of energy. And they make you feel full.

Dry fruit

Dried fruits are rich in sugar and fiber. Among these, prunes, raisins and dates stand out. They also help with proper bowel movements and they remove cravings for sweet things.


Bowl with breakfast

Seeds are super nutritious foods. Despite their small size, they contain a large number of nutrients. So they are a great option you can add to all kinds of recipes, like this nutritious breakfast.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a normal food for healthy recipes that are in vogue.

This is a healthy fat that you can eat in moderation. Although it seems impossible, it will help you burn more calories and get rid of belly fat.

By eating coconut oil you can enjoy its flavor and creamy texture. And you can refrain from other fats that are harmful to your health and make you gain weight.

Coconut oil also has the benefit of letting you harden foods by freezing them. This allows you to make all sorts of sweets and cakes.



Pure, bitter cocoa is a medicinal food. You can eat this regularly instead of chocolate, which usually contains a lot of sugar.

Cocoa gives you energy, increases the health of your muscles and gives you a feeling of happiness.

It is also a powerful antioxidant. This fights damage caused by free radicals both internally and externally.


Honey is a natural sweetener. In addition, it is very energizing with antibiotic and remineralizing properties. It will also help you harden this breakfast. This makes it easier to eat.

We suggest you eat organic honey.

Energetic breakfast


To prepare enough of this high-energy breakfast for several days, use the following ingredients:

  • 700ml chopped nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts)
  • 230ml dried fruit (raisins, plums, dates)
  • 230ml seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, flaxseed, chia)
  • 100ml extra virgin coconut oil
  • 100ml powdered bitter cocoa
  • 100ml honey


  • First, mix nuts, (chopped) dried fruits and seeds in a bowl.
  • In another bowl, mix honey and coconut oil. If they are hard, heat them in a water bath until they are liquid. Then add the cocoa powder.
  • Mix the contents of the two bowls.
  • When everything is mixed well, spread the mixture on a tray. Mash the mixture well together so that you get a dense mass that can later turn into muesli bars.
  • Freeze the ground in the freezer.
  • Pick it up after an hour and cut it into smaller bars.
  • Always keep the rods in the freezer until you want to eat them. This is because coconut oil melts at temperatures above 23 degrees Celsius.

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