Everything You Need To Know About Anal Itching

Where does the itching come from? Although anal itching can be caused by various causes, good diet and hygiene are essential to prevent it. Try to include fiber in your diet.
Everything you need to know about anal itching

You probably have not heard of anal itching. After all, it’s not exactly the best dinner conversation. The interesting thing, however, is that many people have suffered from it.

In fact, it’s more common than you think.

Anal itching

Medically it is called pruritus ani . But most of us know it as anal itching. This gives a name to this annoying problem. But what is it?

Anal itching is an itching that occurs in the anal area and the surrounding areas. This usually causes redness, swelling and of course excessive itching.

Both men and women can be affected by this annoying condition. However, it is usually more common among men.

The causes of anal itching

Red skin

First of all , anal itching is not related to defects or diseases of your anus. The skin tissues in the area simply suffer from it.

Overall, many things can cause its occurrence. In this article, we list some of the clearest.

Irritation or chemical allergy

There are many chemicals that come in contact with your anal region. But most people may not even know what they are.

Several personal hygiene products usually contain many of these kinds of components in their production. These chemicals can cause allergic reactions in the skin tissue.

Examples include products such as:

  • Toilet paper
  • Medicinal powders
  • Soaps (for intimate areas and the more traditional areas)
  • Perfumes
  • Cremer

Clean yourself with too much force

Toilet paper

Hygiene is a fundamental factor for people. This is especially true for the anal area. After all, this area is very dirty when you have stools.

As a result, it is a good idea to completely cleanse yourself. The problem, however, is that sometimes too much cleansing ends up being toxic to your skin.

By using your hands and toilet paper you can use too much force. This can cause sores and irritation due to the friction. This ends up causing anal itching.

If possible, try using water to wash after bowel movements. Also, always make sure to buy gentle toilet paper.

Poor hygiene

This is at the other end of the spectrum of the argument of too much cleaning. Having poor anal cleaning habits can cause several problems.

You should always remove excess fecal matter from the area. However, you need to be careful and not use too much pressure.

When fecal material is not completely removed, it remains in your anal opening. Almost instantly, it causes the feeling of itching.

This problem usually occurs more severely when you have liquid stools.

Annoying eating habits


There are some foods that are not good for your body. But these vary from person to person. Not everything affects everyone equally.

Your anus can be irritated by several products.

Some of the ingredients that are wise to avoid are:

  • Strong or acidic foods (cayenne pepper, chili pepper, citrus or tomatoes)
  • Caffeinated beverages (soft drinks, coffee or tea)
  • Chocolate
  • Spices

How to fight anal itching

Fortunately, there are some different natural ways to counteract anal itching.


The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of this ingredient are perfect for treating itching in your anal region.

You can eat it alone or add it to your recipes as a spice.

Aloe vera

glass with aloe vera - anal kloee

With aloe vera, we are talking about its soothing and moisturizing properties that counteract pain, inflammation and anal itching.

At the same time, the gel helps treat hemorrhoids.


Not all types of yogurt are good for treating anal itching.

In this case , we recommend using natural yogurt with many probiotics (healthy bacteria for your body).

These organisms encourage the well-being of this area and fight itching problems.

  • To get their benefits, you can use yogurt directly or eat it (at least 2 cups a day).


Increasing the amount of fiber you eat in your diet helps in your digestive processes. By doing this, you ensure that your bowel movements are not as fluid.

As time goes on, it can help treat anal itching.

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