Everything You Should Know About Onion Shampoo

An onion shampoo is a natural product that contains useful nutrients for the hair. In fact, some believe that it can stimulate growth, reduce hair loss and revive dry hair. Are you ready to try it?
Everything you should know about onion shampoo

Onion shampoo is currently a popular hair product on the market. In fact, due to its content, it is an ideal supplement to reduce excessive hair loss, dryness and split  ends among other hair disorders. That’s fine, but is it effective? Where is the evidence?

It probably comes as no surprise that onions have many health properties, and of course, this also includes the scalp.

It contains flavonoids, vitamins, minerals and other phytochemicals, so it is a good ingredient to include in your beauty routine. Today’s article tells you everything you should know about this shampoo. Read on!

The benefits of onion shampoo

Nothing is 100% effective when it comes to the health of your scalp. So keep in mind that it depends on many factors, such as, among other things, nutrition, health status and consumption of medication. So be aware that onion shampoo will not work miracles.

In fact, current evidence for its effects on hair is limited and more research is needed to confirm its effectiveness. Still , anecdotal data and small studies suggest that it may be helpful against alopecia, dandruff and dry hair. Let’s take a closer look at it.

A woman who loses hair

Find out: What should the best eco-friendly shampoos contain?

Hair growth

A study reported in the Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics found that onions promote healthy hair growth. In particular, the extracts added in a shampoo with coconut, castor and eucalyptus had the following benefits:

  • It stimulated growth.
  • It nourished the hair follicles.
  • It also moisturized hair and scalp.

Hydration and resuscitation

The nutrients in onions can help restore the healthy look of dry and damaged hair. As stated in an article in the Life Science Journal , it contains flavonoids such as kaempferol and quercetin, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

These substances not only minimize the negative effects of free radicals on the hair, but also promote blood flow and transport of nutrients. The result? Hydrated silky soft hair.

Reducing excessive hair loss

In addition to stimulating hair growth , onion shampoo seems to be an aid in excessive hair loss. In this regard, a small study in The Journal of Dermatology concluded that onion juice has potential as a treatment for alopecia. However, we need more evidence.


Onion-based remedies have been a very common supplement for combating dandruff. People attribute it to its antifungal and antimicrobial properties, which may explain this.

Also, a study in the journal Fitoterapia concludes that onions have promising effects against fungal diseases. Especially against Malassezia furfur, which is the cause of dandruff.

Our onion shampoo

There is a wide range of onion shampoos on the market at the moment. However, you can easily make one at home by following the steps below.


  • 1 medium red onion
  • 350 ml of your favorite shampoo

Course of action

  • First of all, be sure to find a fragrant shampoo that can hide the smell of the onion.
  • Then chop the onion into small pieces and put it in the shampoo.
  • Close and shake it for a few seconds and leave it in a cool, dark place for 10 to 15 days.
  • Finally, the shampoo is filtered after that time and one can start using it.

How to apply it

  • Apply a dab of shampoo all over the hair and scalp and massage for five to eight minutes.
  • Repeat the application two or three times a week for about 3 months.
  • Then pause for about a month and repeat the treatment.
A woman washing her hair

Recommendations for using onion shampoo

This shampoo can irritate sensitive skin, so do a little test before using it. Use it only if there are no side effects. Do not use it otherwise.

Finally, stop using it if you have any scalp disorders. As always, contact a dermatologist so they can tell you more about which substances are safe for you. This professional should be able to assess whether it is a good idea for you to use this type of shampoo.

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