First-time Mother: Survival Guide

Being a mother is an event that makes many women insecure, especially for new mothers. In this post, we will give you a useful guide to your first steps as mothers.
First-time mother: Survival guide

Hi, first time mom! You have long dreamed of becoming a mother, and now your dream has come true. This is so exciting! You are pregnant and you are about to have your first child.

It is normal at this stage to feel nervous and insecure. But being a first-time mother will be a blessing.

Yes, there are many things you need to learn. Little by little you will see that it is not as difficult as it looks and you will enjoy every experience during and after pregnancy.

First-time mother

As the weeks go by, your baby and at the same time your nerves grow around that you will soon be a first time mother. I have good news: The mother’s instinct is natural. So you do not have to worry so much, enjoy it instead. Nine months fly by so fast.

Every day you get more and more questions. It’s hard to be a first time mom, but we help you feel a little more prepared.

Mother holding baby

Why is the baby’s skin transparent?

When you see your baby for the first time, you will notice that their skin (especially their hands and feet) is a purple red and has a cloudy milky white substance. This is due to the pressure required to get through the birth canal, but the dark color disappears within a few days.

This white substance is kaldex vernix and is the layer of fat that protected their body throughout pregnancy. It is absorbed 2 or 3 days after birth. If their skin has a transparent appearance or is very wrinkled, remember that they have been in amniotic fluid for 9 months and their circulation is still developing.

Is it normal for them to be squinty?

Yes, it is normal for babies to squint for the first 4 months. This is due to two reasons: The ocular muscles are not mature yet and they do not look good when they are born. The nervous impulses are ineffective when it is time for them to move their body. It is because of this that babies move clumsily as their muscles cannot move as well yet.

Therefore, babies are not coordinated, they do not crawl and they move a lot. The same thing happens with their eye muscles. Since they are so young, their eyes move abruptly and keep an eye on what catches their eyes, so that at times they squint.

Once babies are born, they cannot focus very well and they can only clearly recognize what is 20-30 centimeters away. Their vision does not allow them to see anymore and when they try, they will squint.

Mother and baby

How many times a day should I change their diapers?

During the first few weeks, babies will need to have their diapers changed every 3-4 hours. This rhythm can vary from baby to baby. It also depends on the baby’s diet. It is normal to change their diaper 8-10 times a day. 

Every time you change diapers, wash their skin with warm water and dry with a cotton towel. Make sure their urine is clear, odorless and that there is only a small amount. If it is different, it may be an indicator that your baby is not drinking enough breast milk or that their formula is too concentrated.

For the first 24 hours, the newborn will show meconium (dark, almost black stools). Thereafter, the child should make their diaper wet at least 4 times a day.

What do I do with the umbilical cord?

As a new mom, it is important to know that the umbilical cord naturally falls off after 5-15 days. Do not try to pull it out, even if it has almost fallen off. The umbilical cord must be kept clean to prevent any infections.

Avoid covering it with a diaper. That way, there will be no risk of it getting dirty with your baby’s urine or feces. The drier you hold the umbilical cord, the faster it will fall off. Do not bathe your baby for the first few days after birth. Clean them with small sponges or wet towels. You can also wash them with an antiseptic.

Mother bathing baby

Next, we tell you step by step how to clean the umbilical cord correctly:

  • Wash your hands well.
  • Soak a sterile gauze in the antiseptic solution.
  • Gently clean around the umbilical cord.
  • Lift the clip holding the umbilical cord to clean the entire area without leaving any parts dirty.
  • Repeat this process twice daily.

We know how important all of this is to you. Therefore, we do not want you to feel alone in this process. Your maternal instinct will help you do well. For your child, you will always be the best in the world. Believe in yourself!

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