Five Habits That Can Aggravate Gastritis

Some common habits, such as smoking, drinking and eating unhealthy foods, can aggravate gastritis quite a bit, which is why you should eliminate them from your daily routine.
Five habits that can aggravate gastritis

Gastritis is a painful condition characterized by inflammation or swelling in the stomach. In some cases, gastritis is caused by an infection, medication, stress, or an autoimmune reaction. But did you know that there are certain habits that can aggravate gastritis?

Gastritis is usually a mild symptom. However, this condition can cause stomach pain and stomach ulcers. Treatment of this condition focuses on treating the underlying causes, and eliminating foods that may irritate the stomach.

In the meantime, changing certain simple things in your lifestyle, as well as the use of over-the-counter medications, can help you solve this problem.

In most cases , gastritis goes away on its own. However, if you do not treat it properly, it can last for a long time. In this article, we take a look at some habits that can aggravate gastritis.

Five habits that can aggravate gastritis

1. Not drinking enough water

A woman drinks water

Water has a neutral pH . Therefore, it helps to drink plenty of water when it comes to controlling the acid content of stomach acid.

However, you should avoid drinking too much water immediately before and after meals because it can be counterproductive.

2. Being subject to a lot of stress

Man on stairs experiences that stress can aggravate gastritis

Daily stress and anxiety can adversely affect the health of your stomach and cause inflammation of the lining of the stomach. This can lead to stress-induced gastritis. Unlike other types of gastritis, it is not caused by bacteria, but by the buildup of negative emotions.

Everyone will have to deal with stress in their own way. People experience it in different ways and to different degrees every day. In small doses, stress is beneficial. However, too much stress can affect your physical and mental well-being.

In addition, stress can aggravate gastritis because when a person is under stress or anxiety, their blood cortisol levels increase, which changes the reactions of the immune system and suppresses the digestive system. This is why digestive problems and anxiety tend to go hand in hand.

3. Smoking

Smoking can aggravate gastritis

This is one of the most important lifestyle habits that can aggravate gastritis. Smoking is an important risk factor when it comes to the development of various stomach-related conditions.

Cigarette smoking can reduce the lining of the stomach’s ability to heal itself, thus causing stomach ulcers.

Drinking alcohol can aggravate gastritis

Some friends drink alcohol

Excessive alcohol intake is the most common cause of gastritis. In fact , alcohol contains certain toxins that can irritate your stomach and cause inflammation if you drink too much.

If your stomach is already inflamed, alcohol can make it bleed. This can lead to more serious conditions, such as ulcer.

5. Unhealthy diet

Unhealthy foods

In addition, you should know that you should avoid certain other foods, in order to relieve or prevent the symptoms of gastritis. Although diet and nutrition do not seem to play an important role in the prevention or control of gastritis, dietary changes can help control the discomfort associated with gastritis.

Therefore, you should eliminate spicy, fatty, fried and processed foods from your diet.

In addition, fatty dairy products, such as fatty cream, activate the secretion of stomach acid, which aggravates gastritis.

You should also avoid any foods that can be irritating, such as garlic powder, pepper, tomato or acidic beverages like coffee. Even certain vegetables can aggravate this condition.

Finally, keep in mind that a healthy, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of conditions such as gastritis. If you suffer from gastritis, we are convinced that the tips we mentioned here will help you!

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