Five Remedies To Relieve Allergies To Insect Bites

If the problems caused by allergies to bites do not subside with these natural remedies, it is important to see a specialist to get a professional diagnosis.
Five remedies to relieve allergies to insect bites

Some people get angry allergic reactions from insect bites. If you are allergic, it is important to talk to a doctor about the best treatment. But you can also try these remedies to relieve mild allergies to insect bites.

However, the most important treatment is prevention. If you can avoid getting in touch with the insects you are allergic to, then this is the best.

What is an insect bite?

Bites are formed when insects bite our skin. There are many different insects whose main form of nutrition is to extract blood.

They cause an immediate skin reaction, which usually makes the skin red. This redness tends to cause itching, which increases if the person scratches himself.

Why do some people become allergic to insect bites?

Often, the person who has been stung by a mosquito or similar insect is far more affected if they are allergic. When an allergic person is bitten, the effects on the skin are much more visible and the following symptoms may occur:

  • Irritation
  • Pain
  • Blush
  • Bruises

If the rash spreads widely over the skin, the reaction can lead to more serious problems which, if left untreated, can cause irreversible damage to the skin, such as scars and marks.

Irritated skin on arm

How to prevent being bitten or stung

If you are allergic or sensitive to bites from mosquitoes or other insects, it is important to take certain preventative measures.

  • First, you should wear loose clothing that covers the entire body so that your skin is not so exposed.
  • Using chemical or natural repellents can also help, whether it is applied to your skin or sprayed into the air in your home.
  • Likewise, one must not forget that maintaining high hygiene standards in rooms you spend time on is essential to prevent mosquitoes or other insect nests. You can do this by regularly cleaning the room, handling the waste responsibly and keeping the area ventilated, etc.

5 remedies to soothe allergies to insect bites

1. Honey diluted in water

Liquid honey

Honey has antiseptic properties that help the skin return to its natural state. It is therefore a good remedy for relieving allergies to insect bites. It also acts as a natural antibiotic. When dissolved in water, it has a texture that is easy to apply to your skin.


  • 2 tablespoons honey (50 g)
  • 3 tablespoons water (45 ml)

What should you do?

  • Put both ingredients in a container and mix well.
  • Take a piece of cotton wool and spread the mixture over the area where the bidet is, at least twice a day.

Also read: Remove orange peel with honey and apple cider vinegar

2. Sugar diluted in vinegar

Bottled vinegar

Sugar helps the skin to regenerate itself so that it can recover after an allergy outbreak. In this case, make some kind of cream and apply it several times on the area.


  • 2 tablespoons sugar (30 g)
  • 5 tablespoons vinegar (75 ml)

What should you do?

  • Mix the sugar with the vinegar and shake it until you have a uniform mixture.
  • As above, use cotton wool to apply it on the skin.

3. Aloe Vera gel

Aloe vera gel from the leaves

This powerful plant has innumerable properties. Its uses transcend the medical and aesthetic field and it is used for various aspects of health. In addition, it also helps relieve allergies to insect bites.


  • 1/2 cup aloe vera (100 g)
  • 1 tablespoon water (15 ml)

What should you do?

  • You can either grab an aloe vera leaf, dehydrate it and extract the gel, or you can buy the ready-made gel.
  • It is advisable to dilute it in a little water and keep it in the fridge.
  • It should be used on bites in small amounts to prevent irritation that can slow down the healing process.

4. Lemon juice

Fresh lemons

Lemons, thanks to their acidity, are one of the essential fruits for treating bites and other skin problems. They are widely used in home appliances and are well known for their efficiency and ease of use.


  • The juice from 1/2 lemon

What should you do?

  • Extract the juice from half a lemon or the amount you think is needed and place drops of it on your bites.
  • You can also squeeze the lemon directly on the bites. However, it is advisable not to overdo it.

Also read: How to get beautiful and healthy skin with lemon

5. Tea bags


Chamomile tea, green tea, hibiscus tea or any other type of tea bag you buy in the supermarket are good options if you have allergies to bites.


  • 1 tepose
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)

What should you do?

  • Boil the tea bag in a pan of water. Save the tea water to drink it a second time.
  • Put the tea bag over the bites for relief.

All of these natural remedies to relieve allergies to insect bites are easy to use. However, if you notice that the appearance of your skin does not improve after a few days, you should consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of a more serious allergy.

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