Foods That Are Good To Eat Before Training

The benefits of eating before exercise are many and proven. Proper calorie intake at the right time provides the energy your body needs to be in top shape during any activity.
Foods that are good to eat before exercise

In today’s article we tell you what kind of food you should eat before training.

Many people think that one should not eat before exercise. However, this is a myth and you should eat before exercise. Your body needs energy to complete any physical activity.

It is especially important to eat before exercise if you have a morning activity routine. When you eat before you go out for a run or work out in the gym, you get even better results. However, this does not mean that you can eat pizza. You need to carefully choose the foods you want to eat before exercising.

In this article, we will tell you a few things you need to know when it comes to choosing the foods you eat before your workout.

Foods that are good to eat before exercise

It depends on the type of training

The kind of exercise you need for is the first thing you need to take into account when trying to choose the foods you want to consume before performing it. It is also important to consider your personal goals.

For example, if you Trying to lose weight and burn fat by exercising, choose low calorie foods. This way you will not fill the glucose pockets in your muscles and liver.

If your goal instead is to perform intense exercise or increase muscle mass, replenish your energy reserves before you begin. This is because your body needs a lot of energy and to get it, your best option is foods that contain protein, fat and carbohydrates.

Also read: 5 delicious vegan smoothies with protein and fiber

When and how much to eat before exercise

Man stretching out on floor

It is also important to eat at least half an hour before beginning your activity. You may even need a little longer, if possible, depending on the foods you eat.

Otherwise, your body will be too focused on digesting what you ate, instead of using it as fuel. (This scenario may have been what started the myth that you should not eat before exercising).

Also, keep an eye on the amount of food you eat before exercising. Otherwise, you may feel too full during your physical activity. For example, you may have a stomach ache and you will feel heavy and without energy.

Ideally, eat a moderate portion of quality food. However, always make sure to eat it well before your workout so that your body uses it as energy during your workout.

Proteins and fluids and carbohydrates…

Generally, you should try to eat carbohydrates that are easy to digest before a workout.

Many types of carbohydrates will provide the energy you need. Eg. Wholemeal bread, unprocessed grains, pasta, rice as well as certain fruits and vegetables are all good options. Of course, the best practice is to consume a mixture of simple and complex carbohydrates.

If you want to work on your muscles, it is also important that you eat foods that are high in protein. From this group you can choose ham, eggs, dairy products, etc. The most important thing here is to eat them at least 2-3 hours before your workout so you have time to digest them.

Of course, you need to stay adequately hydrated before, during and after any type of exercise. Drink at least half a liter of water before exercising. Alternatively, you can also drink unfiltered fruit juice or other stimulant beverage, such as coffee or tea. This is especially helpful if you are doing your physical activity in the morning.

Also read: Get healthier by drinking more water every day

Foods that are good to eat before exercise

Fruits, smoothies and grains are ideal options to consume before a workout routine

Bananas are the perfect food to eat before and after a workout. In fact, this fruit has a high potassium content that replenishes all the minerals you lose during your physical activity. In addition, bananas contain carbohydrates, and these give you the energy you need to exercise.

Fruit shakes are another good option. They are quick to make and you can add all kinds of ingredients to them. Ideally, a shake should contain fruit, yogurt and muesli or another type of cereal.

When made carefully by choosing the right ingredients, a shake can make up an entire meal packed with proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates. It is the perfect way to prepare your body for movement.

If you do not have much time left over, it is easy and quick to use a slice of bread with jam to provide energy to your body. Muesli bars can also be accepted as long as you eat some low-calorie ingredients, have zero artificial ingredients and contain whole grain cereals, as well as fruits and seeds.

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