Have You Heard Of Smartphone Syndrome?

Smartphones can cause an addiction comparable to some types of drugs. Some countries have rehabilitation centers for people who cannot live without their mobile phone.
Have you heard of smartphone syndrome?

The new technologies have had a huge impact worldwide and have revolutionized the way we live. Have you heard of smartphone syndrome? Read this article!


These new devices have become more and more present in our daily lives, and have become an essential element of communication, work, and many other aspects of our daily lives.

The smartphone is one of the most widely used electronic devices out there today with an estimated 1.4 billion people owning at least one.

And while these devices give us access to thousands of programs for any purpose, experts have warned us about their health effects, especially on those who develop an addiction.

The consequences of excessive mobile phone use are known as “smartphone” syndrome, and involve a number of physical and mental disorders, which lower the quality of life for those affected.

Many do not even realize that they are suffering from this disorder. They do not know that their beloved cell phone is to blame for their problems.

Well, what problems are associated with smartphone syndrome? Let’s take a look below.

Vision problems

Woman with vision problems

Did you know that your eyes are affected when you use the phone a lot? The light in mobile phones can impair vision.

We often keep our smartphones close to our eyes so that they affect our vision to a greater extent than other devices.

According to researchers, mobile light can destroy the light-sensitive cells in the retina.

Most experts agree that the damage is usually irreparable, making the problem even more serious.

There are now filters that you can buy for the screen of your mobile device that can block the harmful light rays.

Muscle pain

Using the smartphone for several hours without giving yourself a break can cause muscle pain in the back and neck.

If you can not stop using the phone all the time and have it in your hands until the moment you fall asleep, you are almost certain to cause pain and tension in these parts of the body.

Physiotherapists who have studied this behavior show that posture changes when using the phone in this way. They recommend sitting in a chair, with both hands, to operate the device on the table to avoid injury.

Using only your thumb or a finger to operate these devices increases your risk of developing tendinitis.

Mental disorders

Woman sitting with her head on her knees

When a person feels that they have to check their smartphone all the time, it can amplify other possible mental problems.

The feeling of constantly having to be on, and constantly having to stay up to date can aggravate the symptoms of diseases such as depression, anxiety stress.

Having to check what others are doing can be very addictive all the time. What is my boyfriend doing now? Is he with her the female colleague he talks so much about? It can cause worry, anxiety and jealousy.

It can cause loneliness, isolation and a feeling of having to live up to impossible standards, especially in young people.


Group of young people who are addicted to gadgets

Continuing from above, it is important to pay particular attention to the addiction these devices may actually cause. In fact, many have had to resort to psychological therapy to overcome their addiction to smartphones.

The anxiety that arises has been compared to the restlessness that drug addicts feel when they need a fix. Some cell phone users have expressed the feeling of an emotional void when they do not have the cell phone in hand.

The connection to the internet, instant messaging applications and social networks are at the top of the list of things that people feel they most often need.

The situation is so serious that some countries have opened rehabilitation centers for those who cannot live without their smartphone.

Do you use your mobile phone in moderate amounts? Now that you know the negative impact of using it too much, you should take all the appropriate steps to reduce the amount of time you spend on the phone every day.

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