Help I Got Foot Fungus!

Foot fungus is an annoying disorder that can be difficult to get rid of, but fortunately there are several different natural ways to fight it.
Help I got foot fungus!

Help I got foot fungus! Fungus can grow all over the body, but the most normal place is the feet. Just like any other part of the body, the feet need special care to keep them healthy and free of fungus. Unfortunately, most people underestimate the importance of their feet and only begin to pay attention to them after there begin to be problems with them.

Fungal infections, also known as mycoses, result in a very unpleasant itching that can really bother the person who has it. In addition to affecting the feet, it also affects the toenails and can even get so bad that it can ruin the nails completely.

To prevent foot and nail fungus,  it is very important to take good care of your feet and, most importantly, maintain good foot hygiene every day. Keep in mind that places like swimming pools, sports clubs and your own shoes are the primary causes of this problem.

How to prevent nail and foot fungus

To prevent foot and nail fungus,  you should care for your feet every day and maintain good hygiene, especially when wearing closed shoes.

  • Beware of public baths:  Sports clubs, gyms, swimming pools, tent camps, etc. generally have busy public baths, with lots of people. Due to the large number of people and the high humidity in these areas, there is a greater risk of getting fungus on the feet or nails. Therefore, it is  very important to use clippers or other types of footwear when washing yourself and wash your feet thoroughly when you get home.
  • Always make sure to dry your feet well. Moisture and heat are the two conditions that really increase the risk of getting foot and nail fungus. Therefore, when washing your feet, it is very important to dry them properly, especially between the toes. It is also recommended to dry them frequently if you sweat a lot on your feet.
  • Moisture:  On summer days, the skin on the feet will suffer more than in any other climate. To avoid cracks on the feet, it is very important to moisturize them well every day by using moisturizing foot cream.
  • Talcum powder It is a good prevention against athlete’s foot using talcum powder in the shoes and on the feet. For people who suffer from excessive foot sweat, it is important to choose antiperspirant talc.
  • Shoes:  To prevent fungus, it is recommended to use shoes with ventilation because they allow the feet to breathe.
  • Use a specific and personal towel for the feet:  This is an important tool for keeping the feet clean and healthy in everyday life. You should have a personal towel that is only used for the feet. After use, you should let it air dry so that it dries thoroughly and fungus cannot spread through this.

Help, I have athlete’s foot!

If the accident is out and you have already got a fungal infection, you need to start a treatment. Fortunately, there are plenty of natural remedies that can help reduce and eliminate the problem so that you can get healthy feet again.

White vinegar

This ingredient has shown very positive results in the treatment of problems like the well known foot fungus along with blisters, nail fungus and other infectious problems on the feet. Mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a bowl and let your feet soak in it for 15 minutes.

Tea tree oil

Too slow oil

Tea tree oil can help significantly reduce athlete’s foot. Just drip a few drops on your feet every day or mix tea tree oil in water in a foot bath and sit with your feet in it for 10 minutes.


Garlic is known for its antiseptic, antibiotic and disinfectant properties, and is therefore effective in combating athlete’s foot and nail fungus. For both types of fungus, one should squeeze a little garlic and smear it out on the area affected by the fungus. Wrap it in a bandage and let it sit all night. Another option is to smear garlic oil on the affected area a few times a day.



Lemon is another food with  antiseptic and disinfectant properties that effectively fights fungus. All you have to do is rub half a lemon against the affected area. Let it sit for 10 minutes and then clean the area with a little water.

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