Home Remedies For Lowering High Blood Pressure

Although these remedies can be quite effective in helping us control our high blood pressure, therefore, we should always consult a specialist for testing and to receive a professional diagnosis.
Home remedies for lowering high blood pressure

It is important to lower high blood pressure. This is perhaps one of the biggest concerns for people who may be at risk for heart attack.

Your blood pressure measures the force of blood circulation in the arteries.

If the blood flow is too high, there is a risk of suffering from a stroke, heart disease and seizures, as well as many other problems.

The worst part about high blood pressure is that it almost always comes unannounced. Thus , there are no obvious symptoms.

Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) using two numbers:

  • The first and largest of them is the systolic pressure.
  • The diastolic pressure is the lower number of the two, and it shows the pressure between heartbeats.

These two numbers are not constant but fluctuate throughout the day according to a person’s activity level as well as other factors.

When we sleep, blood pressure tends to be lower and it rises while we exercise.

High blood pressure and its symptoms

How to treat high blood pressure

After doing two or more tests that result in high numbers, the doctor will diagnose high blood pressure or hypertension.

Among the possible side effects that high blood pressure often involves, we find:

  • Severe headache
  • Chest pain
  • Blurry vision
  • Red face
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea and vomiting

How to lower high blood pressure

A physician should be responsible for evaluating the patient’s risk factors according to the patient’s daily routine.

Then, the patient must adopt a new lifestyle that maintains the following factors to control his or her weight ( avoiding excess weight or obesity is essential) :

  • Follow a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables and foods that are low in fat.
  • Limit salt consumption as much as possible.
  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol.
  • Participate in physical activity.

Unfortunately, even with all these changes, it may not be enough to control high blood pressure. Usually it is necessary to take certain drugs.

Next, we take a look at some natural remedies that can also help.

Home remedies for lowering high blood pressure or hypertension

Lemon and coriander juice

The mixture of lemon juice and coriander produces healthy diuretic effects.

This combination helps remove fluids and helps dispose of substances that raise blood pressure by expelling them through the urine.


  • The juice from 1 lemon
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon coriander (10 g)


  • Add all the ingredients in a blender and blend them together for a few minutes until it forms a homogeneous mixture.
  • Drink one glass a day on an empty stomach.

The effects of garlic

Garlic in woman's hand.

Lots of specialists recommend garlic as a natural remedy for high blood pressure. In addition, it is also very helpful in reducing cholesterol.

There are pills or specific capsules with garlic. You can also eat a clove of garlic every day. To get the most out of the benefits, first put the fat in a glass of water.


Oatmeal has a high soluble fiber content.  Ingestion of this fiber can reduce up to 5% bad cholesterol (LDL).

Oatmeal is one of the best natural remedies for high blood pressure (especially if eaten for breakfast).

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate (with at least 70% cocoa) has some active ingredients in its composition called “flavonoids”.

Flavonoids can lower blood pressure and provide many benefits to your health.

It is crucial that the chocolate has as much cocoa as possible. The benefits found in milk chocolate are very small.

Olive oil

Olive oil in glass bowl

Among other very healthy properties , olive oil helps regulate blood pressure.

It is part of the Mediterranean diet and it helps control diabetes as well as bad cholesterol (LDL), in addition to many other benefits.


Lavender is another natural remedy for high blood pressure that you can use in its natural state to make into tea.

You can also take it in the form of pills and capsules that can be purchased at a store.

Is petting your pet good for lowering high blood pressure?

Believe it or not, yes.

If you have a dog or cat at home, it can also be a good natural remedy for lowering blood pressure.

Pets are highly recommended, especially when high blood pressure is related to stress.

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