How To Remove Limescale Stains From Your Bathroom Naturally

If you have stains from minerals in your bathroom, you can get rid of them with these simple procedures. You only need natural, inexpensive products that you can find everywhere.
How to remove limescale stains from your bathroom naturally

Lime stains can occur in many places in your bathroom. If you prefer to avoid industrialized products due to allergies or the cases where they cost costs, there are some easy household tips to remove mineral deposits with natural products that you probably have at home. In this article we will tell how to remove limescale stains from your bathroom naturally.

There are people who love perfectly clean bathrooms. Bathrooms get dirty quite easily because they are always in contact with water and do not have the same ventilation as other rooms.

Therefore, people who go up in cleanliness and hygiene are challenged daily to keep their bathrooms clean. It gets even worse when mineral deposits at faucets, showers and screens are formed. Here are some tips to help you remove mineral deposits with things you probably already have at home.

What causes limescale stains?

The water that comes out of the tap contains minerals like calcium, iron and magnesium. These are often sprayed on surfaces and thereby accumulate. It is such that the white or yellowish spots often seen in flooded bathrooms are formed.

Another consequence of this mineral accumulation is the rust you can see in certain parts of your bathroom. When the iron in the water comes in contact with air, it oxidizes and leaves stains.

Natural recipes for removing limescale stains

Cleaning bathroom tiles

It applies to all cleaning processes that you can buy chemical products to help you remove mineral deposits. However, there are some natural alternatives that are less corrosive, less harmful to health, and also cheaper. Here are a few:

  1. Baking soda and vinegar or lemon juice

With these simple ingredients and a sponge, you get almost all mineral deposits from your sink instantly. Just follow the next steps:

  • Wet a sponge and add baking powder.
  • Clean the dirty surfaces until you remove all mineral deposits.
  • Rinse the sponge and clean the surfaces again to remove the baking powder.
  • To remove  stains on the faucet, you can spray vinegar or fresh lemon juice on a paper towel.
  • Wrap the stained surface in the paper towel and leave it overnight.
  • The next morning then remove the remaining stains with a sponge.
  • You can use the same procedure for tiles.

Baking soda cleans all surfaces without damaging them. In addition, it kills the like vinegar and lemon bacteria and is not  gi f TIG. However, you should not use vinegar and lemon on aluminum because they corrode it.

  1. Clean the toilet with vinegar

Toilets are where most of the  bacteria  in bathrooms are. Therefore , it is important to clean toilets regularly to prevent the spread of all kinds of diseases that these bacteria can cause.

If you want to remove mineral deposits from your toilet, there is an effective way to do this. We use lemon juice or vinegar, because of their properties.

Some people drain the toilet water beforehand so that these liquids work better. However, you do not have to do this. Apply some of these liquids and let stand for a few hours.

If the stains are very stubborn, you can scrub with a cloth. You may also need to reuse and repeat the process.

If this does not work, use a pumice stone. This will help you remove the last stains from the toilet. However, you should not use this when the toilet is dry because it can degrade the porcelain. Scrub the toilet with patience and voilá, the problem is solved.

  1. Clean the toilet with soda

    Cola toiletrens

Believe it or not, you can also clean your toilet with a can of  soda. To try it, follow these instructions:

  1. Rinse the toilet so that the water is as clean as possible.
  2. Pour soda into the   toilet and let stand for half an hour.
  3. Then clean the toilet with a toilet brush once or twice with rinsing from time to time until the water is completely white.

Remove limescale stains from mirrors

Water can accumulate on a bathroom mirror and as a result make limescale stains. But these are pretty easy to remove.

Dilute only vinegar in water (one part vinegar for every fourth part water) and spray it on the mirror. Dry and voilá, the white spots have disappeared.

You can also prevent mineral deposits from forming on your faucets and tiles. You can install filters that remove minerals from the water and at the same time clean your bathroom every day to prevent minerals from building up.

Keeping your home clean is not an easy task, but it is necessary. Use these techniques to remove mineral deposits from your bathroom and dedicate yourself to keeping it dry and anhydrous.

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