Intellectual Disabilities: Degrees, Traits And Possible Treatment Methods

People with intellectual disabilities have varying degrees of inhibition. In this article, we will explain the primary symptoms and available treatments.
Intellectual Disabilities: Degrees, Traits, and Possible Treatment Methods

Many names have been used over the years to describe intellectual disabilities. It is a neurodevelopmental disorder that manifests itself with below-average cognitive function. It also affects areas such as social skills and the ability to function in an environment.

There are different levels of intellectual disability. For that reason, what determines its real impact on a person’s life is the difficulty of performing basic adaptive skills such as reading, writing, organizing, relating to others, and taking care of oneself on a daily basis.

This is how professionals measure a person’s intellectual ability

Girl listening to music at piano illustrates intellectual disability

Intellectual abilities are generally measured through standardized tests such as the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Fifth Edition (WISC-V). These tests generate a score that indicates a person’s IQ. In other words, it is the relationship between mental age and chronological (physical) age.

Experts estimate that the population average is around 100, which means that two standard deviations below the mean (IQ below 70) indicate an intellectual disability.

Although intellectual disabilities are present from birth or early childhood, many children do not manifest obvious symptoms until they reach kindergarten age. In that sense , the tests that doctors do during pregnancy and the postpartum development-related tests help ensure an early diagnosis.

Related symptoms

Other symptoms besides IQ characterize intellectual disabilities. These are the signs that may indicate a development in children that give off from normal:

  • Firstly, there are problems in reaching major milestones in development. For example, the child may be longer than others about sitting, crawling or walking.
  • Delays in language and verbal expressions.
  • Third, there are memory problems.
  • Lack of ability to perceive the consequences of one’s own actions.
  • Problems with learning, logical thinking and problem solving.
  • Problems understanding social rules and relating to others.
  • Lastly, there is a lack of ability to function independently on a daily basis.

Primary causes

Although intellectual disabilities have many possible causes, the exact origin of this disorder is found in only about 25% of cases. The primary factors include chromosomal abnormalities (e.g., down syndrome) and inherited disorders.

Problems during pregnancy, such as pregnancy poisoning or ingestion of alcohol or drugs, can also cause it. Likewise, infections, malnutrition in the mother during pregnancy or in the newborn, severe head trauma or severe emotional neglect of the baby may increase the risk.

Levels of intellectual disability

As we have mentioned above, this disorder can manifest itself in several degrees. Experts have established four levels of intellectual disability  based on the affected person’s IQ and autonomy:


Most people with intellectual disabilities are in this group. Their IQ is between 50 and 70.

Although their cognitive abilities and learning abilities are limited, they usually manage to adapt to the education system and take part in a professional activity. Most have adequate social skills and only occasionally need help to function in their environment.


With an IQ between 35 and 50, these individuals have major cognitive problems, especially when it comes to processing complex concepts. They can train their skills and perform low-skilled jobs under supervision.

Likewise, they are able to establish social relationships, even if their communication skills are limited. They may even travel alone to familiar places, but may need help in social situations.


With an IQ between 20 and 35, people with severe intellectual disabilities often require constant supervision and support. Their language is delayed and limited.

They can learn to read certain words and understand simple social communication. In addition, they can perform simple tasks with help. However, they are not very independent.


The most severe degree of intellectual disability occurs in only 1-2% of cases. These individuals usually have severe cognitive, social, and practical problems and other associated disabilities. However, they can relate to other people they know and navigate their daily lives as long as they get a lot of support.

Available treatments for intellectual disabilities

Girl with Down Syndrome plays guitar as an example of people with intellectual disabilities

Treatment is mostly based on  helping the affected person reach their educational, social and practical potential.

A multidisciplinary team of diverse professionals, including physicians, psychologists, speech therapists, and occupational therapists, is developing a personalized program. It is based on both strengths and weaknesses and addresses the needs of both the patient and their family.

How to reduce the likelihood of intellectual disability

Prevention should begin even before pregnancy with the necessary precautions such as extra folic acid and the appropriate vaccines. Pregnant women should avoid malnutrition, alcohol and tobacco use and exposure to toxic substances in the environment.

Likewise, proper medical care during childbirth helps reduce the risk of complications. After birth, the baby should be cared for properly, which means that their physical and emotional needs are met. But you should know that it is not possible to eliminate the risk completely.

The importance of support from family and professionals in cases of intellectual disability

Intellectual disabilities are limiting, not because of the person’s low IQ, but because of a lack of support. For this reason, drugs, therapy and curriculum adjustments are important to help the patient develop and enjoy a better quality of life.

In addition, support from the family is essential so that these individuals can relate appropriately to their environment. It is important to provide them with practical and functional tools that can help them reach their full potential and that their family supports them as much as they can.

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