Is It Ok To Wear Flat Shoes Every Day?

Maybe you are using the wrong type of footwear. In general, everyone knows that it is harmful to walk in high heels every day, and therefore some people choose not to walk so much in them.
Is it ok to go with flat shoes every day?

Because flat shoes can be harmful to bones and muscles, the best idea is to switch between different types of footwear to achieve a better posture.

Your feet hurt and you do not know why. You train a lot, warm up and and stretch. The rest of the time you drive a car to get from one place to another. When you get home, you put on the same slippers that you have had all your lifeā€¦. Could it be their fault? Shouldn’t you wear flat shoes all the time?

Yet the pain persists. You do not know what to do because that annoyance prevents you from enjoying your day as much as you want. What’s the problem?

Bare feet

Maybe you are using the wrong type of footwear. In general, everyone knows that it is harmful to walk in high heels every day, and therefore some people choose not to walk so much in them.

However, not everyone knows the consequences of walking in flat shoes. They are more comfortable and it seems like your feet hurt less when you walk in them. However, this is not always the case.

Look at your sole of the foot. Have you noticed that it curves? It is a sign that we need a certain height on our shoes when we walk, to keep the shape of this part of the body.

When we walk, our feet affect the floor. This means that if we only walk in completely flat shoes, this zone is not protected.

Therefore, we will injure ourselves if we do not vary the height of the shoes, and risk damaging the part of the body that carries all our weight.

Also read: What your feet say about you

The consequence of walking in flat shoes every day

The root of all evil is called plantar fascititis. It is a disorder that occurs when the tendon that connects the heel to the forefoot is damaged.

This can get serious when we walk in flat shoes every day as they do not adapt to the arch of the foot . The foot will suffer a lot of damage because, in reality, it is our main support point.

  • This phenomenon can almost be seen with the naked eye: the height of the bow lowers.
  • To summarize: constant use of this type of footwear can result in problems such as flat feet
flat shoes

That said, the inner extremities are very important for balance. So it will affect other muscles, bones and joints when something does not work properly and these will have to carry more weight.

While some feet will seem to have been freed from their usual work, others will have to make up for it. This creates a number of inflammations which will cause pain in the legs, hips, ankles etc.

Moreover, more difficulties will arise when we unconsciously change the way we walk to relieve the places on the body we are in pain.

Instead of remedying the problem, we will simply aggravate it by changing our posture to something that is not natural.

  • Think about it: When there is inflammation in a muscle, the bone it is in will move incorrectly; this results in the next part moving incorrectly, and so it continues throughout the body without us even noticing it.

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How to take care of your feet

When it’s not healthy to walk in high heels every day, nor is it healthy to just walk in flat , what should you do then? Follow our advice and you will notice a significant difference in how your feet feel.

Use insoles

Fortunately, orthopedic products are becoming more and more available every day. Likewise, the number of companies specializing in these products has multiplied.

It is best to use insoles at 1-2 cm in height.

Change footwear

As with most things, too much of anything is never a good thing. The golden mean is the one you will find. With that in mind, we suggest that you change shoes every or every other day.

That way, your feet can have days when they work and days where they get a break, which will optimize their abilities. Do this and you will improve posture and benefit the tissue.

Wear slippers with solicone sole

Woman relaxing

The time we spend at home is also extremely important. We must always take care of ourselves wherever we are. Therefore, we must also be careful with the footwear we use in the home.

The majority of slippers are usually flat, which is why it is so important to find someone with a silicone sole that is reminiscent of the shoes we wear outside the house.

In all cases, we want to make it very clear that although flat shoes are preferable over high heels, it is always important to keep the bone structure in mind.

In this way, we will be able to adapt clothes and accessories to our footwear, since it is not a matter of comfort, but of health.

Comfort and vanity must not come before your health.

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