Is The Beer Cure A Healthy Diet?

Due to the large amount of alcohol in beer, it is not recommended that you drink too much of it. However, you can consume moderate amounts of alcohol without it being harmful. Still, it is best to choose non-alcoholic beer if you can.
Is beer cure a healthy diet?

Have you heard of the beer cure? Some people think that beer is good for you. Below we will explain why that meaning exists and what the arguments are.

Like all other alcoholic beverages, beer has a bad reputation, which is far from unfair. In fact, there are many benefits to this drink, so it pays to try a beer cure.

Due to the large amount of alcohol in beer, it is not recommended that you drink too much of it. However, you can consume moderate amounts of alcohol without it being harmful. Still, it is best to choose non-alcoholic beer if you can.

It may be that you think it sounds strange to talk about a cure based on this famous drink. This is not surprising, since beer, as I said at the beginning, has a reputation for being associated with alcoholism.

Women who follow the beer cure

However, it is scientifically proven that this drink can offer many good things that we will tell about in this article.

Is the beer belly just a myth?

Virtually all people associate the consumption of beer with extended lifespan, which is known as “beer rumen”. However, recent research has shown that beer is not associated with increased lifespan.

The study says that the so-called beer rumen instead occurs as a result of a high fat intake combined with fluid retention. Thus, the above believe that those who develop beer rumen would have gotten this regardless of whether they drank beer or not.

However, those people who already have beer rumen may be more affected by a large beer consumption because it causes flatulence.

Beer is not the only cause of obesity

Man in sofa

The fact that an overweight person drinks beer is not the same as that this drink causes their obesity.

Studies have been done to try to find a link between obesity and beer. According to these studies, there is no evidence that one takes on from drinking beer.

It may be that an overweight person drinks beer, but this overweight depends on specific things in the digestion or a high calorie intake. The latter dispels the myth that beer makes you fat since there are very few calories in beer.

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The beer cure: Should you drink beer when you are on a cure?

In recent years, the “beer cure” has received more media attention.

Here it is important to get something clear: when we talk about the term “beer cure”, we are not talking about a diet based on beer. Instead, we believe that it is permissible to drink a little beer when on a diet. This should, of course, be in moderate amounts and preferably alcohol-free.

As bee has mentioned, a moderate intake of beer is recommended when on a cure.

This is thanks to the following benefits:

Nutritional value and calories in the beer diet

First of all, you can drink beer in moderation when you are on a cure without having to worry about gaining weight.

Woman who has lost weight

A standard bottle of beer (33 cl) contains 148 calories. If you choose the non-alcoholic kind, you will only get 68 calories per beer.

Next, it is important to note that beer is rich in minerals and vitamins (especially Vitamin B complex) and it is diuretic.

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Some facts to consider about the beer cure

The beer cure is not a cure in itself

We recommend that you include beer in any type of cure you are on. Beer should never replace food.

Finally, enjoy a drink that contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

  • If you fancy a drink, beer is much better for your body – and contains much less fat – than soda and processed juices.

Do not forget that these drinks – even the light products – have a high sugar content and too many calories. Therefore, choose beer.

Consume beer in moderation and do not combine it with high-calorie foods.

“Moderate amounts” here means 2-3 beers a day for men and 1-2 for women. It is not healthy to drink more than that.

It may seem obvious, but we must emphasize it anyway: if you combine beer with high-calorie, fatty foods, this blend will most likely make you gain weight.

Use it after exercise as rehydration

Man in the gym

Did you know that beer can be an excellent choice for rehydration and replenishment of mineral salts after a workout? Of course always in moderate amounts, and if possible, the non-alcoholic version.

Beer contains maltodextrin, which is a type of carbohydrate that promotes the recovery of fluid after physical activity.

The health benefits of beer

According to research, the micronutrients found in beer can strengthen the cardiovascular system by healing damage. At the same time, it contains polyphenols, silicon and flavonoids, which strengthen the bones.

Last but not least: consuming beer is especially good for women’s health. It contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiviral properties and strengthens estrogenic activity.

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