Learn To Make A City Garden In A Little Space

It is important to know a few things about gardening to make a city garden. Then you can make the most of your balcony or terrace and enjoy this green area in your own home!
Learn to make a city garden in a little space

Despite the enormous growth of cities and great technological advances, it has become more popular than ever to make an urban garden. However, it is important to consider a few things when it comes to having a city garden in a small place.

In today’s article we will tell you about an easy approach to making a city garden. We also give you some practical tips on how to start growing your fruits, vegetables, herbs, etc.

Thus, you will be able to enjoy the green space and even cultivate some things that you can pamper your family with in the healthiest way possible. You will also feel comfortable because it is a very rewarding activity to make a city garden!

How to make a city garden in a little space

Carefully choose a place

Tools for making a city garden

This new garden project you are about to complete is a bit difficult and it is important that you carefully choose where you want to place it. To make it, remember that the success of your plants depends on the light they receive. Also, always remember that sunny places speed up development.

You will also need to have a good drainage system and of course a water source that is as close as possible to your garden for irrigation purposes. This way you can save time as it eases your irrigation requirements.

Also read: 10 plants you can easily grow in your own garden

Remember that you need to work with soil and fertilizer when choosing the place for your city garden. It can be a terrace or a balcony. For example, consider how you want to keep the area tidy and confined so as not to bring mud into your house every time you are there.

Knowledge of gardening

Learn a little about gardening before you start spending money on seeds and basic gardening tools, even if it’s just theory. There are so many things that can ruin months of work and care of your plants. Therefore, it is better to take some lessons or read some literature on the subject.

For example, you need to know at least the following basic things:

  • How to care for the soil and the use of various fertilizers.
  • Which months are suitable for sowing.
  • How to water and when to prune.
  • Best ways to deal with pests and attacks.

The vertical city garden

You can hang plants vertically in pots or planters to make better use of the space

With vertical gardens, your biggest advantage is that you can optimize the space to the maximum. This is because it takes up much less space than a conventional horizontal garden. At the same time, you save time on maintenance. This is because this kind of garden rarely gets weeds and you do not have to bend down to dig holes.

Another great benefit of planting vertically is that you maximize the availability of light and air to your plants. You also get fewer pests, and when you do get them anyway, it’s easier to deal with. The best plants with a short cycle to a vertical garden are lettuce, leaf beds, spinach, etc. Plant them between the varieties that grow more slowly.

Also read: Learn how to make a hanging garden

As you can see, the balcony, terrace and roof are perfect places for a city garden. You can use pots, tables or even start a hydroponic cultivation system (it grows in water so it does not require soil).

Original ideas

Currently, social media allows us to see all kinds of city gardens from all over the world. It’s amazing how we can harness the imagination of so many people who get the most out of a little space.

All in all, here are some pretty original ideas for your city garden:

  • Take advantage of used pallets, decks and all kinds of containers for use on your cultivation tables and as pots.
  • If you are new to the garden world, you can make it easy for yourself. Just make some signs to help you remember the names and characteristics of each plant you have.
  • Plant herbs. Few things are as enjoyable as going out into one’s garden and picking up some fresh herbs for our dishes.
  • Ask around and find out where you can find the most suitable substrate for the type of soil you want to use.
  • If you often travel away and do not have a friend who can water your plants, install some kind of automatic irrigation system.
  • Make compost from the waste produced in your garden (pruning, discarded fruit, herbs, etc.). It adds natural nutrients to your soil.

Concluding remarks on making a city garden

Are you ready to make a city garden? Not only will you be able to grow your organic food free of pesticides, but you will also have a hobby to relieve stress with! Maybe other members of your family will be interested too!

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