Misunderstandings Create Distance Between People

We need to get ourselves out of the situation in the best possible way. When we do this, we can gain a more objective understanding of what is happening.
Misunderstandings create distance between people

Unfortunately  , it is common for misunderstandings to stem from well-meaning thoughts and actions. This even happens with people with whom one has spent a lot of time. In this article, we will talk about misunderstandings that create distance between people.

As a result, there are many people who hope that the people whose feelings they have hurt will come back. Likewise, there are people who want to return but do not dare.

A misunderstanding stems from conflicts caused by intentions. As well as the way people communicate. And the lens that those people see through the world.

So as it has been described:

“Among what we think, what we want to say, what we believe, we say, what we actually say, what we want to hear, what we hear, what we think we hear, and what , we understand, there are eight ways to be misunderstood. ”

The great distance caused by pride

At the beginning of a misunderstanding, there are usually certain elements. It can be pride, fatigue or lack of confidence in ourselves or the other person.

This mix of things together can create the perfect storm for misunderstandings. There will come a time when we pick up a certain tone or ambiguous words as being hostile. Although in reality it is not so.

This means that in order to avoid this, we need to be aware of both our own and the other person’s state of mind. Otherwise, we will draw conclusions.

Most of the time, we see conflicts as being less destructive when we see them from a distance. This helps us to avoid pride and emotions which make the situation worse. Taking a step back and looking at the whole situation helps us get a better response. We should do this before we hurt the other person’s feelings.

The difference between pride and dignity

By continuing to think the same way, it is important to know the difference between pride and dignity. Pride is selfish and negative. Dignity, on the other hand, has a basis of respect.

However, it is the case for many that it can be difficult to tell the difference between the two attitudes. Dignity wants to maintain a balance and equality between the possibilities, the thoughts and the actions. Pride, on the other hand, goes after staying upstairs.

To gain understanding

As we are finding out, it is sometimes not as easy to make ourselves understood. This is especially true when  our motives are based on different realities.

We can repeat over and over again what we are thinking. But the person in front of us may not understand what we are saying.

This does not mean that the person we are talking to is bad. It just means they are somewhere else in their lives. And that they have a different view of it than we have.

It is natural that individuals want to have their thoughts and feelings confirmed. If done in a bad way, it can be a barrier to understanding. When the goal really is to make the other person understand what we are seeing.

We can not always control all the things that make up good communication. It is always a good idea to think about the situation by taking a step back. This makes us think about the whole situation.

To put the pieces of the puzzle, which is understanding, together, we need to base our attitude on respect for the other person.

Misunderstandings create distance

Taking responsibility for the things we say

The possibility and strength of the anger and misunderstanding that we feel can be strong. They are consistent with the emotional effect that we give to the topic in question. It can also depend on one’s relationship with the other person.

The closer you are to that person, the more important it is to gain a good idea of ​​what their message is. But this lets us better understand an unknown message that they are trying to give us.

Every single person will have to try to perceive the words in relation to the ties they have to the other person. The same principle also applies to expectations, personal interests and where they are emotionally.

Because of this, it is important to review the importance of not ending up with poor communication. Poor communication can produce distant disorders and thought processes.

In other words, we need to pay attention to make sure we do not end up in an emotional tornado. This means that one must not fall into the trap of playing the devil’s advocate.

Misunderstandings create distance

Misunderstandings are very painful. This is especially true when they are perceived as being intentional and emotionally negative towards a person.

We will have to fight against bad intentions that want to destroy our integrity. The best way to do this is to take a step back and look at the situation from a distance. This means taking a step back, tolerating differences and not letting others downplay our needs.

The best relationship one can have with others comes from looking at the  difference between actions and words. But we should also always keep the realities of others in mind.

Because of this, it is important that we are always careful. We should always keep in mind that many times the only sure thing regarding intentional distance is that it gives us time.

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