Reasons To Take Vitamin K

Vitamin K is an essential nutrient that helps the body function optimally. A low level of vitamin K can lead to bone problems, bruising and bleeding. Learn more about this. 
Reasons to Take Vitamin K.

Vitamin K is an important nutrient that plays an important role in blood stability and is a precursor to coagulation factors.

We will tell you more about it in this article.

What does this vitamin do?

This is a substance that, like any other vitamin, is required in small amounts for the body to function and develop.

This vitamin is a fat-soluble vitamin that the body stores in small amounts that are quickly depleted, which is why you should consume it regularly. However, the body can also recycle small amounts of it.

Vitamin K also seems to play a role in the proper development of tissues and bones. Therefore, not getting enough of it can cause bone development problems.

Forms of Vitamin K.

In general, there are three possible forms of vitamin K:

Phylloquinone or Vitamin K1: This is the existing form in leafy plants. Basically, you get it through your diet and your body absorbs it better when it is dissolved in fat.

Menaquinone or Vitamin K2: This is the vitamin that certain intestinal flora bacteria produce. It is produced and absorbed in small quantities.

Menadione or Vitamin K3: This is produced synthetically and doctors sometimes use it as a supplement.

Foods rich in vitamin K.

In general, you ensure that you get enough of this vitamin by eating a varied and balanced diet. This is because your body only needs it in small amounts.

You can find it in:

  • Green-leafed vegetables, such as spinach, broccoli or lettuce
  • Some fruits, such as figs
  • Meat
  • Cheese
  • Soy
  • Egg

Vitamin K deficiency

Due to the fact that humans do not need much of this vitamin, it is rare to lack it. However, it can happen.

This is the case with newborns who may have bleeding problems and a tendency to bleed. This deficiency in newborns is due to the fact that this vitamin does not get into the placenta easily. Therefore, they are born with low levels.

Breast milk also does not contain large amounts of this nutrient. In addition, the baby’s intestinal flora has not yet developed and therefore they have no bacteria to synthesize this vitamin.

Doctors usually administer the vitamin through injection in these cases.

On the other hand, diseases such as cystic fibrosis, celiac disease or short bowel syndrome can cause a deficiency. This is because such disorders generate intestinal absorption changes that reduce the amount of vitamin K absorbed.

Likewise, treatments with certain medications such as anticonvulsants or certain antibiotics can lead to a deficiency.

A severe deficiency can lead to bruising and bleeding caused by poor blood coagulation. In the worst case, this can lead to dangerous internal bleeding.

When doctors recommend supplements

A woman taking vitamin K.

Use of blood thinners may require vitamin K supplementation.

Many vitamin pills can increase your intake of this vitamin. However, there are also specific vitamin K supplements. You can also often find it in combination with other nutrients like calcium and vitamin D.

This is the most common way to administer this nutrient to patients who need it. However, the vitamin can also be administered through an intramuscular injection. This is the method of choice for newborns. This helps reduce the risk of cerebral hemorrhage.

Finally, in cases where anticoagulation, such as warfarin, is administered, a deficiency of vitamin K can be particularly problematic. In such situations, periodic blood tests are necessary to determine the coagulation time.

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