Recommended Mattress For A Good Night’s Sleep

The number of mattresses is so large that it can be overwhelming when it is time to choose a new mattress that is right for you. When you are aware of some of the following things, it will help you find the best mattress to enjoy a good night’s sleep.
Recommended mattress for a good night's sleep

Today, there are a wide variety of mattresses, from foam to spring to water to electric and everything in between. Since there are so many options as well as different degrees of firmness and thickness, it can be complicated to know what is a recommended mattress for your individual situation.

For this reason, we give you some tips to choose the best mattress for you for a good night’s sleep.

The same mattress is not right for everyone. Weight, body posture and back problems, for example, are factors that you need to keep in mind when making your choice.

Let’s take a closer look at this so you know what a recommended mattress is for you.

A recommended mattress depends on how you normally sleep

Woman lying in comfortable bed

To know what is a recommended mattress for you, first consider how you like to sleep. Do you tend to sleep on your back, stomach or side? This will help determine the type of mattress you will need to get a good night’s sleep.

  • If you sleep on your back or on your stomach: The best mattress for you is one that is firm. It helps you keep your back straight. If the mattress is soft, your back will be able to sink and take up an unpleasant curvature and create future back pain.
  • If you sleep on your side: If your ideal position is to sleep on your side, a hard mattress will not help you. You need one that is softer, less firm and that shapes itself to your body. This allows the shoulder to sink easily to find a more comfortable position.

Also read: 7 good habits to sleep well at night

Your weight determines what is a recommended mattress for you

You may think that weight should not influence which mattress you choose. But it has. However, we will look at two important points. For someone who weighs less, does not always need a harder mattress.

Let’s see what to look for:

  • If you weigh a lot: If you weigh a lot, a soft mattress will make you sink too much, giving you a bad posture. Therefore, your mattress should be firm and provide good support. However, do not forget that your posture when you sleep is also a crucial factor.
  • If you weigh very little: If you weigh a little, you need a more flexible mattress that helps you distribute your body weight evenly. This will prevent some areas of your body from carrying too much weight.

Do you move a lot or a little when you sleep?

Man sleeping on side on recommended mattress

What is a recommended mattress if you move a lot when you sleep? The ideal mattress for this will be different from the one you have to choose if you do not move at night.

While there may be nights when you barely move and others where you move a lot, consider what is most common for you and keep these tips in mind:

  • If you move a lot: If you throw the sheets off the bed because you can not stop moving at night, a hard mattress will be ideal for you. Then it does not require much energy to turn.
  • If you move very little: If you tend to stay in the same position all night and barely move, you will benefit from a softer, more flexible mattress that distributes your body weight evenly. This way, the part of the body that you are on all night does not experience pain or discomfort due to lack of movement.

Also read: 11 tips to sleep well and wake up with renewed energy

Are you cold or hot when you sleep?

Another consideration is whether you need to cover yourself for the whole night or are always hot. This also depends on where you live and the climate (is it more wet or dry, for example).

  • If you are typically warm: If you can not sleep with a lot of clothes on and sweat easily, the best mattress for you is one that has springs. They are cooler and ventilate better.
  • If you are typically cold: Conversely, if you always need to be covered because you are cold, we recommend a foam, latex or viscoelastic mattress. They hold heat much better.

Be aware of allergies

What happens if – in addition to all these questions – you are allergic to dust or suffer from asthma? In this case, a feather or latex mattress with a washable cover would be ideal.

Now that you know what a recommended mattress is for you, we suggest that you consult a specialist if you have particular back problems, such as scoliosis. They will be able to help you find the best solution for you. Remember that a good mattress that adapts to your needs is what guarantees you a good night’s sleep.

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