SAVERS Method: Habits That Will Change Your Life

The SAVERS method is a way to start the day, which consists of six steps to perform each morning. Read this article to find out what to do!
SAVERS method: Habits that will change your life

The SAVERS method is based on six morning exercises that help you achieve your goals both personally and professionally. Rather than just being a method, it is a  philosophy of life that will change the way you see things and help you focus your goals.

In this article we will tell you what it is and how to perform it.

What is the SAVERS method?

The SAVERS method was created by Hal Elrod and was published in  The Miracle Morning. In it, he explains the six steps  one must take the first hour in the morning  to focus on life and achieve all that one sets out for.

Hal Elrod suffered a serious accident, which he miraculously recovered from with almost no consequences. In this book, he talks about his experience and what he had achieved with his philosophy of life by performing this ritual.

The name of the method is an acronym consisting of the first letter of the six steps you must take each morning. The steps are:

  1. S is for silence
  2. A is for confirmation (affirmation)
  3. V is for visualization (visualization)
  4. E is for exercise
  5. R is for reading
  6. S is for scribing

It is based on the belief that  your day is very much influenced by how you begin it. Therefore, if you want to start the day focused on what you want to achieve, then it will be easier to achieve it.

In contrast, if you spend the first few moments of your day paying attention to other things that are not important, such as checking Facebook or your email, then during the day you will deviate from your goal more often.

Alarm clock in front of woman ready to start the day with the SAVERS method

What are the steps you need to follow?

The first thing you need to know about this method is that you will have to get up an hour earlier each morning. To some, it may seem like an unnecessary effort, but the author emphasizes that it is essential to have enough time to perform all the steps.

1. Silence

You should  remain quiet for the first five minutes when you wake up. This will lower your levels of stress and anxiety. You can spend the time meditating, reflecting, focusing on your breathing or setting a goal for the day.

2. Confirmation

You can do this by repeating certain sentences, purposes or goals that will make you feel better about yourself. You can use phrases you come up with, quotes from songs or movies.

The idea is to  repeat the sentences every day to improve your mood and self-esteem. That way, you will start your day with a lot more motivation and energy to achieve what you decide to do.

3. Visualization

This step will also take five minutes. you will need to dedicate time  to visualizing yourself as if you have already reached the goal  that you set for yourself.

It may sound strange, but by repeating sentences that remind you that you can do it and imagining that you have done it, then it will be easier for you to focus on achieving your goal.

4. Motion

You should dedicate at least 20 minutes to this step. In these 20 minutes, choose a form of exercise that you like. It will be able to  activate your body and fill you with energy.

We recommend that you choose an aerobic form of exercise because it will activate you more. However, you can perform any exercise that makes you feel good, be it yoga, pilates or running.

Woman meditates as part of the SAVERS method

5. Reading

Like exercise, you will also spend 20 minutes reading something you like. It could be the newspaper, a novel you are currently reading, or a text that motivates you and focuses your mind.

6. Writing is the last step in the SAVERS method

Finally, spend the last 20 minutes of this ritual writing. By writing, we mean that you should write down ideas that you come up with, or the goals that you have set for yourself. You can also just keep a personal diary.

It is best to do it by hand  in a notebook dedicated solely to this purpose.

SAVERS method in your routine

The author, and many followers, claim that by performing this routine consistently, your life and the way you see things will get better. It will therefore be easier for you to achieve your goals.

However, you are the only one who has the power to change your life,  and you should make an effort to follow this or another routine that will help you achieve your goals. You do not have to do exactly as the author suggested, but you can adapt these principles to your daily life.

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