Should I Have A Caesarean Section Or A Vaginal Birth?

Bringing a baby into the world is a wonderful experience. To do this, some women choose caesarean section to avoid pain, while others prefer a traditional vaginal birth.
Should I have a caesarean section or vaginal birth?

The choice between cesarean section or vaginal birth is a common question among pregnant women. Some choose the traditional method and give birth to their babies vaginally. Others, however, prefer to have the largest number of variables under control and therefore choose a cesarean section.

Vaginal birth is a natural process. However, many women want to avoid it because of fear of pain, or because it can cause irreversible damage to their vagina. From a functional point of view, a cesarean section is incredible. After all, for medical reasons, it can better protect the life of mother and baby.

However, there is much more that comes into play in this decision than just that.

Cesarean section or vaginal birth

Every day, babies are born, either by caesarean section or vaginal birth, and the decision is up to the expectant parents and their obstetrician or midwife. In general, the latter will be present during the birth and is therefore responsible for determining the ideal method, depending on the situation.

In addition, this decision can be changed at the last minute when the birth begins. The most common reason for this is due to a high-risk birth. Then the doctor may decide to perform a caesarean section.

The differences between cesarean section or vaginal birth

The main difference between natural birth and cesarean section is that the latter is a surgical procedure that lasts between 15 and 30 minutes. If it is predetermined, it should be performed after 39 weeks of pregnancy, unless your doctor tells you otherwise.

Physical differences

“What is least painful: Cesarean section or natural birth?”

This is a common question among first-time mothers. There is no enlargement of the vagina with surgery, unlike vaginal birth. Therefore, this kind of pain is not present at a cesarean section.

Generally, this procedure is performed with an epidural block, a type of anesthesia that produces a sensory and motor blockage of the lower body. It affects an area about 10 inches above the navel down to the lower extremities.

However, the expectant mother remains awake. The effect lasts between an hour and a half. Within 24 and 48 hours after, pain is controlled with intravenous analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

While pain is more controlled during a cesarean section, there may be some pain, after surgery, while the woman is recovering.

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The baby’s immune system

Before birth, babies are virtually sterile – that is, free of worldly viruses and bacteria. However, some bacteria are necessary for the organs to function properly. For this reason, when the baby is born vaginally, they get the healthy bacteria from their mother.

If a caesarean section is performed, the baby will not receive the mother’s microbiota. In general, they just want to absorb it from the environment they were born in, and from the people around them and eventually also from their mother. Unfortunately, however, most of these foreign bacteria are unknown to their immune system.

A study conducted by the University of Copenhagen concluded that cesarean births produce a long-term deficit of maternal bacteria, which is the key to preventing immune diseases.

The intestinal flora of children born vaginally is different from those born by caesarean section. The latter have a lower amount of cells related to immune factors. Thus, it increases the risk of suffering from diseases such as type 1 diabetes, Crohn’s disease or severe allergies.

Is there most postpartum care by caesarean section or vaginal birth?

After a caesarean section or natural birth, women need a lot of rest for their body to heal. So no domestic work is allowed. If they have other children, they should also be careful not to overwork themselves by dealing with their needs and energy levels.

The postpartum period is often one of the most difficult times for mothers and their families. Moreover, this phase is much more complex for women who have been through a cesarean section.

In either case, the new mother needs plenty of rest and should avoid lifting anything heavy.

However, when it comes to vaginal birth, the pain is immediate. With a caesarean section, on the other hand, it will take several days and even weeks for the body to heal. To perform the caesarean section, it involves surgery, and for this reason the woman will have two scars – both an external scar in the epidermis and an internal one in the uterus.

Economic differences

Since a cesarean section is a surgical procedure, the medical costs are higher. In addition to the obstetrician and pediatrician delivering the baby, it requires a whole team of doctors, specialists and nurses trained to participate in anything that may arise from complications.

The caesarean section also takes place in a fully equipped operating room. On the other hand, natural birth takes place in a space adapted to deliver the baby. In addition to a possible epidural, vaginal birth does not require anesthesia. Unless a complication occurs, the mother does not need antibiotics or intravenous medication afterwards.

Why and when to choose a caesarean section or vaginal birth?

Many people struggle between choosing a caesarean section or vaginal birth for their baby. Although the latter is usually safer for mother and baby, there are cases where it is necessary to perform a caesarean section.

Pros and cons of a cesarean section


  • First, because an epidural injection is applied to the abdomen, the sensitivity is lost from the waist to the feet. And thus the caesarean section is “painless” – like that.
  • Second, the child’s birthday can be planned depending on what suits the parents, if there are some circumstances to be taken into account.
  • Finally, the operation lasts only three to four hours, including preparation time and awakening.


  • It is an operation with anesthesia, and any surgical procedure involves the risk of infection and damage to other organs.
  • The healing time takes at least one to two months.
  • New mothers find it difficult to get up and walk during the first week. It requires a lot of support from family and friends.
  • Among the harmful effects of anesthesia are nausea, dizziness and vomiting in the days after the caesarean section.

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Pros and cons of vaginal birth


  • The safety risk of vaginal birth, such as excessive blood loss, kidney damage and the chances of getting infections is lower than with caesarean section.
  • Blood pressure remains more stable.
  • The supply of oxygen to the placenta and to the baby is better than during a caesarean section.
  • The baby is born more attentively because walking through the birth canal stimulates the baby’s senses.
  • The mother’s body releases oxytocin, which promotes milk production and the bond between mother and baby.


  • There is a risk of suffering from urinary incontinence after childbirth.
  • Vaginal birth occurs spontaneously as opposed to cesarean section.
  • There is a risk of vaginal rupture. In addition, there is a possibility that the doctor chooses to perform an episiotomy (cut in the groin).

If you have not yet decided on a caesarean section or a vaginal birth, you can discuss it with your obstetrician.

After all, they have your medical history and know about your baby’s development in the womb. In some cases, a caesarean section is recommended if the baby is turned upside down or is not in the correct position.

Women older than 35 years are more likely to have complications during natural childbirth, so they should schedule a cesarean section more often. Thus, they have a team of specialized doctors who look after them.

Conclusion on the choice between cesarean section or vaginal birth

Mothers who choose vaginal birth are more aware of what is happening around them and want a complete experience regarding their baby’s arrival in the world. They can even see and have their little one in their arms as soon as their baby is born.

However, there are many reasons why a woman chooses a cesarean section. Either way, it is important to take into account that every pregnant woman has different needs. Therefore, the final decision should be considered carefully and with the advice of their obstetrician.

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