Six Benefits Of Becoming A Mother At 35

Women today are often in their thirties before having children. Although there are fewer risks associated with becoming a mother when you are younger, there are actually many other benefits to waiting until you are a little older.
Six benefits of becoming a mother at 35 years old

In many societies, there is a lot of pressure when it comes to having children. In the past, it was risky to give birth, and “older” mothers were often looked down upon. Fortunately, this is no longer the case. There are actually many benefits to waiting to become a mother at the age of 35 or even later in life.

We have children later and later

Women in rich countries have children later today than they did in the past. This trend is due to factors such as contraceptive methods with higher efficiency, gender equality and increasing number of women taking an education.

Women today are busy pursuing their own dreams in their twenties. Therefore, many wait until they have completed their education, got a permanent job, greater financial security and a girlfriend they would like to start a family with.

According to statistics from 2016, published by the Spanish Institute of Statistics ( INE ), the gestational age moved slightly back than the year before, with 32.5 years as the average age to have a child.

So you also want to wait a bit to become a mother?

What do recent studies say?

Mature mother and her child

Some studies have stated that the safest age group to have children is still from 20 to 35 years. But shortly a year ago, the International Journal of Epidemiology published the results of a study of women over the age of 35 and their children.

The results were surprising. The results showed that the children whose mothers were between 35 and 39 years old scored quite well in experiments that measured their verbal cognitive ability. In fact, they had better results than younger mothers’ children.

But how were the results different from previous centuries? The differences depend on several factors, such as:

  • The children tested were the youngest children in the family. This condition meant that the children received limited attention and care.
  • Economic situation. Families with more children often have lower incomes and fewer opportunities. Due to their situation, they did not have access to a healthy diet or health services. As a result, the resource deficit had a negative impact on development.

So if you are approaching the age of 35 and thinking about becoming a mother, we recommend that you continue reading the reasons below so that you can be more confident and informed about making the right decision.

What are the benefits of becoming a mother later?

1. To look at motherhood with more maturity

This point does not mean that young mothers cannot be mature mothers.

But as a 35-year-old, a woman is much more aware of the risk of pregnancy. They do more to take care of themselves and above all they think and plan the possible life changes that are coming.

Greater economic stability

Mother and her baby

In general, 35-year-olds have more academic and professional experience, which means a more stable income. As a result, parents can give more time and attention to their children.

3. More experience

When we talk about motherhood, one can never get enough experience. Strengths such as understanding, empathy and patience (among others) help mothers with challenges of motherhood with a positive mindset.

In addition, the various kinds of experiences that a woman has throughout her life will help to serve as a good example for her children.

4. Emotional stability

Emotionally stable mother

With age, we have a better understanding of ourselves, which is a difficult thing to understand in the wake of youth. We learn to make decisions, accept our mistakes, be resilient and develop more stable relationships.

These foundations enrich the upbringing of and relationship with our children. In fact, it gives them more emotional stability. This kind of environment provides a healthy psychological environment, more security and a better example for children.

5. Increases life expectancy

In various studies, the results have shown that women who give birth after the age of 33 are expected to live longer than those who give birth to their last child at the age of 29.

In other words, there will be more time to enjoy with children, despite the popular opinion that says the opposite.

6. Healthier lifestyle

Mother playing with her baby - mother as a 35-year-old

People over the age of 30 are very likely to gain a better understanding of their body’s needs. In other words , they are likely to pay more attention to their health. This includes healthy eating and exercise habits.

You do not have to change your habits drastically when you decide to have a baby because you are already leading a balanced and healthy lifestyle.


To sum it all up, the quality of life for the mother and the children she has has a direct impact on the children’s development.
There is no doubt that being a mother as a 35 year old has many benefits. However, do not forget that pregnancy in recent years also involves certain risks. So be sure to talk about it with a medical specialist so you can know what you need to know for your specific case.

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