Start On A Fresh At Any Age: How To

It is not easy to give up everything and start fresh. It’s a hard road to follow, but it’s worth it when you’re not happy and need a change.
Start on a fresh one at any age: How to do it

Starting over is never easy.  To take the leap into the unknown. That is, take a deep breath and say goodbye to  people  and things you must leave behind. It is very possible that you may have to start over more than once. Perhaps this “restart” was the result of a problem in the workplace, something more personal, or with the family. Start fresh – are you ready?

Something that can stop us from taking the plunge and searching for our own happiness is to think that “it’s too late” and that having a certain age means that we have to give in and accept the state of things, because our opportunities are already over.

This is simply not true. It’s never too late to start over and find your own happiness. In fact, it is your duty to be happy. 

We would like you to stop for a moment to reflect on this series of tips to start over, no matter what the problem may be.

Start on a fresh start at all ages


Think about your future and who you want to be

If you are full of doubt, worry or fear, try the following visualization exercise: imagine yourself in 2 years, but imagine yourself happy, complete and peaceful.

Assess how you feel. Instead of chasing this ideal of happiness,  remember that just having peace of mind, being in balance and a whole person is sufficient in life.  If you do not feel these types of things in your life, you need to initiate a change. You deserve to give yourself  another chance.

Start on a fresh start with small, short-term goals

All change requires small decisions  that will gradually bring you closer to your goals. These are some examples of smaller goals that we should set for ourselves:

  • Today I want to control my fears and  my worries. Since I already know I want to start over, I take on this responsibility and accept my decision. I intend to transform my fear into inner peace and determination.
  • Today, I am going to search for more information on how I can help myself to start over (job openings, help from social services and other official organizations).

You are not as alone as you think: Look for the right support

Of course, a new beginner brings new fears and anxieties. One way to find strength is to feel that we have someone who supports us  who understands the new path we have started.

  • Be smart when seeking support. Family and friends may not give the best advice and may even suggest that you “do not” or “endure a little longer.”
  • If you have made the decision to start over,  you can look for support from people who have gone through something similar.  They will be able to offer you the best advice and support.

The future is not written in stone and tomorrow is full of new possibilities

If the past serves one purpose, it is to teach us and give us wisdom. You are wise to experiences and life lessons. This gives you extra courage, a powerful weapon.

  • When we take a step towards change, everything is incredibly new, but change is not bad. It may scare us, but change allows us to achieve our dreams.
  • What we want more than anything is to  feel good about ourselves, free from anxiety, tears and defeat. These things do not determine who you are, but give you the motivation to persevere to find your success.

Start fresh and get rid of limiting thoughts and attitudes

  • “I’m too old, I’ll never be able to find a job.” Think about what your skills are and be creative when it comes to “selling” yourself. Besides just being looking for a job, it helps you get in touch with yourself. Make use of your creativity.
  • “I have never been alone and I just want to calm down.” Leave this limiting thought behind you and  remember that being single is a reflection of your freedom and that is exactly what you need to  create your own happiness.
  • “I know I will fail and everything will go wrong.” Scrap this idea. You are not a psychic, and that means you can not guess what will or will not happen.  Remember that thoughts create emotions, and a negative thought will lead to the same type of fateful attitude.
  • “No one supports me and it will not be worth it anyway.” Do not reinforce these types of ideas. The main source of support that you need to trust comes from within. Then come  good friends, family and other people in your life offering you support in building a new life.
Girl sitting on a suitcase

Little by little, you will realize that it has been worth it all. It is not easy or simple to “start fresh”, but  remember that you deserve to be happy  and be able to leave the felt and painful days behind you.

Start fresh – are you ready?

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