Suppressed Emotions Block Your Liver

If you want to remove the blockage of your liver, you should do exercises that allow you to move the right arm. When you make movements with this arm, you massage the liver, which means that the blockage of the liver is removed.
Suppressed emotions block your liver

We often mention all the various factors that can harm our liver, such as poor eating habits, pollution and all the toxic substances we surround ourselves with. Many people who take care of themselves and keep an eye on these factors still suffer from liver problems. How can it be? Suppressed emotions block your liver.

Suppressed emotions block your liver

In this article, we explain  how the liver is affected by the negative emotions that we suppress. Especially anger has a big impact on your liver. We also give good advice on how to naturally improve the health of the liver.

What does the liver store?

According to ancient Chinese medicine, each of our organs has a related sensation which has an extra large effect on this particular organ. This knowledge can give us some clues as to which emotional reactions may lead to which chronic diseases. F or example, the lungs related to grief and kidneys to fear.

Similarly, the liver is affected by anger and frustration. Two emotions that one should never suppress or hide from the road as this gives them direct access to affect the liver. In the same way as if you ate a whole plate full of fatty food.

Anger and other emotions

Although we focus on anger, one should also consider similar emotions such as resentment, bitterness and irritation. These feelings can be just as harmful to the liver as anger.

Excess suppressed anger can cause the liver to become blocked. Which can be extremely bothersome and cause physical discomfort, such as muscle tension in the neck and shoulders, headaches, vision problems, etc. This creates a vicious circle that can be difficult to get out of again, and in the long run this situation can lead to a chronic disease.

How should one express one’s feelings?

The solution to this problem, which involves expressing the “ugly” feelings, is not as easy as it seems. People who suffer from these problems know how difficult it is to change the way one responds to the daily problems of life. We constantly see  people who have repeated outbursts of anger. And our common sense tells us that this is not healthy. In fact, those people who tend to react with anger often end up suffering from heart problems.

But what is the solution? Let us review some good tips to learn how to remove the emotional blockage of the liver that carries the consequences of our negative emotions.


Find out what’s going on

Finding out what is really going on is the first step on the road to getting this kind of intense situation to stop repeating itself over and over again. First, one should  get to know oneself. Find out what kind of people make one angry and figure out how to avoid this reaction,  mostly by smiling or just not saying anything.

In this case, one can consider going to a therapist who can help learn how to manage the emotions. It may also help to take homeopathic remedies such as Bach flowers, which is a natural remedy without side effects that will surprise with its quick and positive results.

Learn to communicate, it will help your liver

The first step in not suppressing one’s emotions is to learn to  communicate. You need to be able to talk openly and calmly about how you feel and the things that hurt you, especially with the people you love, but also with those you need to deal with every day, especially at work. This is a difficult step, but the positive results will give energy to keep working on getting better.


Couple going there

Physical activity is one of the best solutions to a wide range of problems. In this regard, it helps because it provides the opportunity to get rid of physical tension. If you want to remove the blockage of your liver, you should  especially go after doing exercises where you move your right arm. When you make movements with this arm, you also massage the liver and remove the blockage of this. For example, you can try to do physical activity such as tennis or boxing, depending on your physical shape and what kind of sport you like.

One should also get out into nature and do physical activities such as walking or trekking. When you are out in a deserted place, you can try to  scream as loud as you can. It may seem silly, but it really helps, so do not hesitate to try it.

Man painting with his sow at school

Learn to express yourself

There are many ways to express yourself. Which can be especially helpful if you have difficulty communicating with words. Art is a great way to express your feelings. Many introverted people end up using art to express their feelings. They have even become excellent musicians, just to give an example. Do not hesitate to look for an artistic field. Which will allow you to relax and have fun in a free way, without any kind of supervision or expectations.

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