Symptoms Of 5 Normal Diseases For Women

We should learn to recognize possible symptoms of diseases in order to be able to get an early diagnosis. This allows us to fight these common diseases at an early stage. Recognizing these symptoms can be a crucial factor in achieving effective treatment.
Symptoms of 5 normal diseases for women

There are a number of diseases that are most common for women that one should be aware of. We all know that we are often more responsible for other people’s health than our own well-being. And this is something that we should be aware of.

At the same time,  our own lifestyle determines the development of certain disorders. Daily worries, stress and lack of regular check up by the doctor can result in serious problems sometimes.

In this article we will recommend something very simple and important: take care of yourself, listen to yourself and prioritize. It is not selfish to take care of oneself. To care for oneself is to value oneself. We deserve it to be able to be happy and be able to give the best of ourselves to the people around us.

Here we ask you to learn about these 5 diseases that are common in women, as well as their symptoms.

Diseases for women: Migraines, headaches in early adulthood

According to data from the  World Health Organization (WHO) , migraines affect twice as many women as men. The pain also lasts longer and occurs more often within a month.

Migraine is possibly the disorder that is most common among women. In fact, most of the traditional medicines that affect the blood vessels are of no help when it comes to relieving the pain of migraines.

  • Migraines have nothing to do with hormones or stress.
  • Current data show that the cause of migraines is hypersensitivity to nerve fibers.
  • In addition to being genetically determined, it is known that the central nervous system has something to do with this disease. At present, experiments are being performed to obtain more effective treatments.

Migraine symptoms

  • Migraines occur very early in women. In fact, it is common for girls to suffer from it from the age of 11 years.
  • The pain is intense and throbbing. And it is concentrated in one side of the head. It causes dizziness, vomiting and involves visual hallucinations.
  • This type of headache is persistent and occurs up to 4 times a month. Sometimes it will disappear after a number of years.

The most common type of allergy in women

It may seem strange, but allergies are more common in women than men. We do not always pay much attention if the symptoms are not very serious.

Gluten intolerance as well as barley and rye are also more common among women. This is so prevalent that according to  the Celial Disease Foundation  , nearly 70% of those affected are women.

  • It is also recommended that you take into account that women have the most contact with chemical products. We suffer from the majority of our allergic reactions from cosmetics and cleaning products.

What symptoms should one look for?

  • One should be aware of how one’s skin and eyes react every time one applies certain makeup.
  • Dry throat and eyes constantly running in water typically occur when there is an allergy.
  • One should also pay attention to his digestion. Sometimes discomfort, flatulence and constant bloating after eating can be signs of some form of intolerance.

3. Irritable bowel syndrome, one of the most common diseases for women

Irritable bowel syndrome is a disease of the digestive system. It causes pain and irritation. It  also alternates between constipation and diarrhea,  and it can affect one for several hours.

Until now, the exact cause of irritable bowel syndrome is unknown. It has been found that it occurs during periods of extreme stress when we are nervous and when hormonal changes occur.

Woman who is sad

Be aware of these symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

  • It occurs for the first time at the age of 15 to 25 years.
  • It is not a simple disease and it is not indigestion or too much stomach acid. There is an intense pain in the area of ​​the colon, which spreads to the entire abdomen.
  • You experience vomiting, flatulence and a very intense burning sensation. The pain comes and goes and it can last for a few days.

Diseases for women: Breast cancer

Breast cancer is another disease that is most common in women. However, it should be noted that in recent years, the number of cases of lung cancer and colon cancer has also been increasing. One should never postpone his routine check.

What are the symptoms one should be aware of?

One should pay attention to his breasts. Many of us learn to  check our breasts by looking for small dents. Yet we forget an important indicator: the small spots.

  • If there is breast cancer in the family, you should also start doing the examinations before you turn 40. After the age of 40, you should have regular mammograms.

5. Diseases for women: Depression, a faithful companion in certain periods

According to the  World Health Organization  , depression affects 350 million people each year worldwide. A large number are women.

Depression is a silent illness that occurs at certain periods in our lives. There is one thing about this that we should keep in mind:

  • Women have the best psychological strategies to fight depression. They seek help before men do. In addition, they may find emotional relief and express their problems. They can also communicate better by opening up to others.
Woman with depression

Symptoms of depression

  • Apathy
  • Lack of energy
  • Constantly bad mood
  • Recurring grief and constant negative thoughts
  • Problems with sleep
  • Physical and musculoskeletal pain

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