Ten Healthy Foods To Regulate Digestion

To regulate digestion, it is important to chew the food slowly, as it helps when one has to swallow it. In addition, experts recommend eating certain healthy foods.
Ten healthy foods to regulate digestion

The foods you eat affect the condition of your digestive system. If you eat a diet rich in sugar, poor quality fats and refined flour, then the likelihood that you will suffer from stomach problems will be high. To avoid these problems, we have decided to share ten foods that can help regulate digestion.

What can cause indigestion?

Poor digestion can be caused by eating too much or too fast, eating fatty foods or eating poorly during stressful periods. Smoking, drinking too much alcohol, consuming certain types of medication, excessive fatigue and constant stress can also cause indigestion.

How to prevent indigestion

  • It is important to pay attention while eating. It is also important to chew the food slowly and soften them as it helps when one has to swallow it.
  • If you eat too fast, eat while doing other things, or while you are very tired or stressed, then it can negatively affect your digestive system and cause stomach discomfort.
  • One’s mood affects the assimilation of drugs. Nausea or anxiety delays digestive enzymes. It is therefore also important to  keep an eye on your mental health.
  • One should also  be considerate when eating. Eating lunch or dinner late can cause a heavy feeling, bloating, heartburn or acid regurgitation. Have an interval of four hours between meals, and eat dinner at least two hours before going to bed.
  • Does it affect hunger before bedtime? Then choose a light protein, such as low-fat yogurt, a glass of skim milk or a small portion of cheese.

Foods to regulate digestion

1. Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is good for regulating digestion

Probiotic foods, such as sauerkraut, can restore the intestinal flora, which helps improve digestion.

The same goes for probiotics themselves. Ingesting them stimulates the production of stomach acid, which plays a role in digestion. Probiotics contain bacteria that benefit the intestines, balance intestinal flora  and help maintain healthy bowel movements.

2. Apple cider vinegar

There is a good reason why apple cider vinegar improves one’s well-being. It helps the body create HCL (hydrochloric acid), which is a benign acid from the intestines that helps digest fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

This  also promotes weight loss and helps relieve acid regurgitation and irritable bowel syndrome  due to all its beneficial probiotics and amino acids.

Mangoes can regulate digestion

It has been proven that mangoes  help keep good bacteria in your intestines alive. According to a recent study by Oklahoma State University, incorporating one mango a day into your diet can improve the condition of your intestines, while also helping to reduce body fat and control blood sugar.

This fruit has an amazing nutritional profile. In that sense, according to some researchers, mangoes contain many nutrients and other bioactive components that can provide several health benefits.

4. Kefir

Kefir is good for regulating digestion

Kefir is another probiotic food that can improve digestion. In fact, it can even help improve the immune system. This food is like a more sour liquid yogurt.

What makes kefir so good for your gut is that it usually contains at least ten live and active bacterial strains, while most types of yogurt typically contain only three.

5. Olive oil to regulate digestion

Olive oil has been recommended since ancient times to help the digestive system. It helps protect you from acid reflux, which causes heartburn. In addition, it helps the contents of the stomach to be released slowly and gradually in the duodenum, which increases the feeling of satiety.

6. Artichokes

Artichokes contain cynarin. It is an acidic substance that stimulates the production of bile, which promotes the functions of the liver and prevents the formation of gallstones. Overall, they are a natural diuretic that relieves symptoms of hangovers and they contain a significant amount of fiber.

7. Apples

Apples in basket

This fruit contains dietary fiber. Therefore, they are  useful in preventing constipation and controlling cholesterol. In addition, they also contain pectin. It is a soluble fiber that promotes digestion and prevents fermentation in the intestines. It can also help reduce constipation and control bad cholesterol or LDL.

8. Yogurt

Probiotics in yogurt make it one of the best foods that promotes digestion. Probiotics are living microorganisms, such as bacteria and yeast in foods. They improve the immune system and help maintain the condition of the intestinal flora. They are useful for maintaining good bowel passage time.

9. Pineapple

The United States National Library of Medicine  says that  pineapple contains bromelain. It is an enzyme that helps break down proteins that are difficult to digest. Pineapple is also recommended to fight intestinal disorders, swelling and stomach ulcers.

10. Ginger to regulate digestion

This aromatic root is an excellent stimulant for digestion. It promotes the pancreas’ release of enzymes, and helps ensure that one can swallow more easily and without heartburn. 

It is also an antibacterial agent. It prevents changes in intestinal flora, reduces diarrhea and improves bowel movement. In a tea, it prevents dyspepsia (slow and troublesome digestion).

One last remark about food to regulate digestion

Lastly, keep in mind that all individuals have different tolerances, so it is better to  try the foods we have mentioned here, slowly and carefully , to analyze what works best for you and what does not.

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